Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A whole new set of values

In my lifetime stuff was the thing, not so much items as the ability to have enough money to do what I wanted when I wanted. I went through the eighties accumulating stuff and felt rather competitive about it. My perception was on that and I had friends who did the same thing. Then something changed, I got sick. In the late eighties I got interstitial cystitis, a chronic super painful bladder disease - incurable by medicine. It changed my focus forever. No sleep without drugs, every waking moment I was tormented by the pain, feeling like you have to pee every 2 minutes and going brought no relief. I couldn't get to a basketball game without a wayside rest stop, it was life changing.

I had kids at that time at home with me and we loved to play, especially outside, swim, ski, whatever. All effected by my problem. Then a doctor said he could use an implant and with electric current block the pain, I thought well maybe, then he said but in 5 years your bladder will need to be removed and you will need a bag!!! First thing I thought was how could I play on the beach with my kids with a urinary bag? No way, not now, not ever. I then changed my focus, fixed myself with natural medicine and let that chapter of my life go forever.

I valued my girls above everything else, I would not sacrifice anything in my life that stopped me from being a good mom. That would have had an impact and I changed the decision. Here is the point. So many people are suffering because their values are not of love. Loving your family, your body, your life here, mother earth and those things raises your level of ability to your most powerful energy. Like the mom who lifted her crashed car off her kids to save their lives.

Look at your values, if the opinion of others is one of them - reconsider that, if stuff is one, look at that too, really see what it is that you cannot live without and focus on that. If love lights your heart when you see or feel someone or something, follow that, if you worry or feel insecure that what you cherish could slip away, it will. My girls are forever, my life here and my work a close second, my ranch is great because it is the home for all the animals I care for. Other then that I can go anywhere and do whatever I want as long as love is the motivation. Any other reason takes away the value. Let's all upgrade what we value, love it, cherish it and consider it daily as the blessing it is, Namaste' Dr. Su

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