Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Manifesting your vision

Focus on what it is you desire. I mean really FOCUS now. Draw it, write about it, speak of it with love and passion. OWN IT, NOW! Even though it may be out front yet, KNOW FOR SURE that it is coming.

Are you worthy of your own desires? Do you deserve to be rich, healthy, thin, attractive, etc??? Think that you do. Really think that. I have more money then I could ever spend. I am eternally youthful. Whatever it is you desire, get your head around it now. You are your potential, it is inside the Hokmah or wisdom of your mind. It comes out in colour and sound and beautiful pictures.

A little rider on the back of one of my horses said " I am a natural, born to ride", and although just a little girl, she was so right!! That is what I am talking about. I do not care if anyone else agrees or supports my vision of what and who and how I am going to be. I am just going to focus on it, period.

So here goes. a teacher of health and wellness, happy, healthy, athletic and successful, with a beauty that never fades!!! Mother to all with a love and passion for children and animals. How's that?? Put yours up here too, and we can focus together, that adds energy to the process. Namaste' Dr. Su

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