Wednesday, August 24, 2011

End the Illusion of Suffering

I keep seeing it, suffering as a way of life for so many people. It drives me to my knees. I go there in communion daily, for fun and health and yoga, but I do not want to go there for the suffering thing!!

Your life and health and success are yours and yours alone to access. Asking for guidance is a great idea, asking to be saved or cured is nonsense. You are your own cure!! I see others looking around for a life line, drugs, alcohol, therapies up the ying yang, the law, the career, the, the, the... Good heavens, when will believe we are all we ever needed. This is a perfect place to learn that. At the end of your time here you will not miss money or work or any of that stuff, you will miss one another and this beautiful earth. PERIOD.

Wait no longer, be you, in you, of you and for you, loving you. Then when you are full of that and overflowing, love the rest of us. We are worth knowing and loving and spending some quality time in nature with!!!! This is free, and the value beyond anything you have in the BANK.

Suffering is an illusion, pain is an illusion, reserved only for those who believe they still need the lesson. The rest of us are free!! Join us, The Creator would love that, since an end to suffering was offered as an option thousands of years ago.

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