Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do strong fences make good neighbors???

Boundaries are yours to create and choose to use to keep your area, you, your body and your family safe and clear from danger. Aurically you need good strong self love to set up a boundary of love and light that no darkness may penetrate. People in jail with good boundaries feel as though they are free, spiritually clear and forgiven they truly are.

I have shared beachfront, neighbors all using it as an association. One family has determined that they are the beach police and make it their business to cross boundaries without cause or invitation. Strange to me, hurtful and toxic to others. I went there the other day with a roommate and two guests to pray for peace on that beach. The conflicts destroy the natural beauty and peace of an amazing place. These neighbors without provocation again begin their policing ways, harsh negative words and threats, all nonsense to me, where hurled about. Funny what happened next, a big wild storm came!! I mean 4 ft waves, cracking lightening and deafening thunder - wow.

I love nature and her power, she can mirror anything. These folks took off like their hair was on fire, leaving us in peace and Mother Nature in her power and wisdom surrounded us in love and we smoked our pipes and sang our sangs without any issue at all.

This is what I mean about boundaries, we repelled their anger, didn't accept it as ours in any way, they created a storm that hurt only them, we were safe and protected in our love for our land and each other. That's how this works.

So for today, set your boundaries, fill your own field of energy with love of self and purpose and light it up for all to see. The others will soon be driven away by their own choices, damaging only themselves, while we live free and in peace. Namaste' Dr. Su

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