Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Casting Stones - not such a good idea

Who among us is without faults? I sure have plenty. I have spent lifetimes working through them one at a time. Habits, responses, choices are a part of our daily lives.
I am so busy trying to keep my own aura clean and my own health and potential in line and moving forward I truly do not have time to be concerned with the choices other's are making. I am grateful that other's have their own lessons and that in the whole of consciousness they are actually doing that work for me, so I don't have to go there. THANKS!!

In the news story that aired about me a Naturopath in Minnesota decided she would, rather then investigate or even call me, endorse the lies that were published. Without a thought as to the lies she was endorsing, she took the stage and threw her stones. WOW!

We, Naturopaths, take an oath, it says first do no harm, how can a person sign that oath and then commit such a hurtful and damaging act???

I called her, I emailed her and I copied her on the judge's ruling, finding me completely innocent and vindicating me completely.

Wanna know what she said, Stop my ranting, or else. I told her I expect her to make amends for her complicity, or she will get in spades what she puts out there. Now let's just see what happens.

Casting stones is a very bad idea, for in the world we live in the boomerang effect is now amplified and one stone becomes 100 back at you!!

Be mindful and kind, error on the side of non-judgment, do your homework, check into the details before you make a judgement and stand up to bullies and liars and those with an agenda you do not endorse, they have gotten away with their duplicity for way too long. They say one thing and then do another. This was purely a political choice for this woman, not one a woman of compassion or love would make. Feel sorry for them, send them love, for their journeys are tough and getting tougher, but it is time now for all truth to be the only reality.

Women in power now need to have complete accountability and act with nothing but integrity, exposure of every single details of their lives and agendas is what will need to happen for us to restore any trust, those who choose not to be accountable will simply disappear. Namaste' Dr. Su

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