Sunday, August 28, 2011

New, fresh and clear today

Mercury retrograde gave us all a chance to clean up old stuff. "Hold still!", your momma used to say while I untangle that snarl. That is what just happened. We had to hold still and let the snarls untangle themselves. WOW.

So just for today EXHALE!! Let it wash off in the water with a swim or in the air with a ride on your bike. Let it slip away, leaving us tangle free, free from anything that holds us up or back or in. Let it out, scream and holler if you need to. Cry or puke. Sweat it out with work or a sauna or a clay bath. Talk it out with your dog or your cat or your garden plants or a long walk in the forest, the faeries and devas love to hear your human follies. They really do think we can be very very funny.

Then and when you are clear from what was seemingly very real and in your face and your world, create a whole new one, free and clear of anything dark or negative. Dream of unlimited potential, money, love, friends, work, food, whatever your little heart desires that brings a smile to your face and a song to your heart. You don't need to tell anyone what it is , just believe and receive. That is how I am going to spend my day!!

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