Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cancer is not a disease it is a response

You are attractive, truly magnetic in every way in all you do. The largest electro-magnetic field of your body is generated by your heart, It radiates that energy out in all directions. Seeable. Photographable.

When you have embraced a toxin, emotion, food, chemical, whatever, you create a negative or reverse magnetism. You attract that which is needed to clear the system. Bacteria, virus, parasite and fungus, will be embraced by the body to help the body.

That is how you work. The only cure for your issues is you, you must clear any toxin emotional, genetic and chosen by lifestyle to clear the way to unlimited health. Your immune response is a gift from Creator and it is amazing. Your freewill is also a gift and can be used to help yourself or make yourself sick. Think about it, there are NO VICTIMS here, only students. The Earthmother offers many helpful elements and plants to support you. Check it out, you'll be glad you did. You are the only one who can change and live, noone else can do this for you. Namaste' Dr. Su

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