Friday, August 12, 2011


I heard a gentleman say today, what you honor is what you will end up with in your life. namaste' means to honor another's spirit as yours. I do not have to agree with you to honor you and your passion and your journey and your life lessons. Like I said before I am relieved that certain lessons although they are being played out down here are not in my personal sphere. I honor all lessons as gifts from Creator in the education and advancement of souls. Period.

In honoring a person they must be given love. I love everyone, but I sure don't like them all. Love supersedes matter, it creates potential. I do that alot, use love to create potential. I love my work, passionately, and many who feel that love use that knowledge, honor it and make it their own and create amazing changes in their lives and health.

Others resist and that I also honor. Those who are not interested move on to other teachers, some stay in my space but choose another role to interact with me. It is interesting. Some even challenge me with their resistance. That kind of cracks me up. I am not that interested in those challengers any more, their fire and fury are just a flash in the pan and watching them flash and burn out is sad. I lose interest in any interaction at all. I would rather honor peace and harmony.

Today I will focus on what and who I honor, I will start with myself. I will honor my body by eating good stuff, playing in the sun and laughing with friends, I will honor those around me with a smile and a nod and I will honor the Creative Source of All That is with a grateful heart. Namaste' Dr. Su

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