Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We are so much smarter than this!!!

What happened to us?? I watch as we give in and give up every day to someone else's choice for us.

Remember when you were little and resisted with all your might against a choice you weren't about to give in to?? Food that got jammed down your throat, or an outfit that you hated, or a forced stay or play with someone you didn't like or trust!

We went bonkers and took the punishment for bad behavior rather then give in to the bullying. I took a lot of licks for my way. My truth got my butt strapped many times, so did my willingness to do it again. My sister said once, why must you always do that? I said, it is who I am and it IS what I do, period.

We know through intuition and if ignored, anxiety, when we are not in alignment with what is right and true for us. We have felt it over and over, medicating it with drugs or alcohol or sex or whatever takes the edge off, doesn't stop it from doing what it is designed to do. It will just take another tact. If we are sick, it is because we didn't listen to the stressors that were going off before hand. If we are sad or mad, same deal.

Learn to make choices based on your responses to this world, we can teach you how and you are smart enough to learn!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Manifesting your vision

Focus on what it is you desire. I mean really FOCUS now. Draw it, write about it, speak of it with love and passion. OWN IT, NOW! Even though it may be out front yet, KNOW FOR SURE that it is coming.

Are you worthy of your own desires? Do you deserve to be rich, healthy, thin, attractive, etc??? Think that you do. Really think that. I have more money then I could ever spend. I am eternally youthful. Whatever it is you desire, get your head around it now. You are your potential, it is inside the Hokmah or wisdom of your mind. It comes out in colour and sound and beautiful pictures.

A little rider on the back of one of my horses said " I am a natural, born to ride", and although just a little girl, she was so right!! That is what I am talking about. I do not care if anyone else agrees or supports my vision of what and who and how I am going to be. I am just going to focus on it, period.

So here goes. a teacher of health and wellness, happy, healthy, athletic and successful, with a beauty that never fades!!! Mother to all with a love and passion for children and animals. How's that?? Put yours up here too, and we can focus together, that adds energy to the process. Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, August 29, 2011

new moon roots go deep

Are you where you want to be? Today with the new moon, planting and rerooting is optimized. I have really thought alot about what it is I love best and what do I really do well, Talk! I think I am funny and informative and direct and to the point fearlessly. That works for me, not for everyone around me all the time. I have learned to say and mean, I do not have an opinion of how you perceive me or my words, they are mine to share, take me or leave em! You will not hurt my feelings.

That took a long time to develop. I wanted to fit in with the crowd for a long time, thinking the crowd had something I needed. When I hung with the crowd, I realized they were searching just as much as I was. Funny huh???

Now that I got that message I know now sinking roots into what I love best will result in a happy and secure life. I love my family and my work, my farm and this planet. That should keep me busy for awhile. Here is to a deeper connection with all that we adore!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New, fresh and clear today

Mercury retrograde gave us all a chance to clean up old stuff. "Hold still!", your momma used to say while I untangle that snarl. That is what just happened. We had to hold still and let the snarls untangle themselves. WOW.

So just for today EXHALE!! Let it wash off in the water with a swim or in the air with a ride on your bike. Let it slip away, leaving us tangle free, free from anything that holds us up or back or in. Let it out, scream and holler if you need to. Cry or puke. Sweat it out with work or a sauna or a clay bath. Talk it out with your dog or your cat or your garden plants or a long walk in the forest, the faeries and devas love to hear your human follies. They really do think we can be very very funny.

Then and when you are clear from what was seemingly very real and in your face and your world, create a whole new one, free and clear of anything dark or negative. Dream of unlimited potential, money, love, friends, work, food, whatever your little heart desires that brings a smile to your face and a song to your heart. You don't need to tell anyone what it is , just believe and receive. That is how I am going to spend my day!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nearing the top of the mountain now, we can see each other!!

The paths of each one here are as unique as they are, high roads for some, very low roads for others. It has been an amazing journey with so much variety. I love that about Creator. The top or the end is now in sight, everyone from every place can see it. Prophecy from every tribe is being fulfilled. The Four directions are becoming one just as was told.

For a long time I felt alone on my road. Once in awhile I would hook up with another, sometimes just for fun, other times because a memory from another place and time was sparked. I love those moments, when I feel familiar to another and they to me. I have also been told that my road is wrong, or crazy, or hell-bound by some of the people along the way and that was hard to hear. I knew enough though to stay with what my heart said, even though someone else had another idea.

So in honor and with gratitude I say Namaste' to all I have encountered on the path to Oneness. It was REAL. Sometimes too real, sometimes not real enough to last, yet still as real as it gets. Pushed and pulled by my own feelings about the path and the folks and this world, I have somehow found a very peaceful place here. The Earthmother and her animals make it just right for me and the few I know now as close friends keep me cheerful and moving forward. I love that and those who are near and dear, in a very special way. My girls are especially grand to me, different and yet the same, with roads very close to mine. That gives me comfort.

Look around you now as our paths converge, we are ONE and will soon feel it in every cell and with every breath. You are to fear no thing. Be hopeful, peaceful, faithful and loving, no matter what happens. It is the only way home now.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Breaking free now.

Can you feel it?? I can. It feels like a shift, a resolution, a conscious choice for the best yet.

I have had a neck ache for a week, I do not get that kind of stuff very often. I asked my body what it was doing and it said "breaking free'. I have looked only in one direction for a long time. I now apparently will be able to look around and see other things too. Freely moving my eyes with the swivel of my neck, even looking back without pain or regret!! I didn't want to look around too much because the view was a little stressful, I don't watch the news for that very reason. Also you all know I don't think the media tells the truth anyway, so if I want to watch someone's fantasy, I will watch a movie not the news.

In an effort to see it all and be helpful with what I see I first have break free from the habit of tunnel vision. In my job I had to stay there with my vision for the future because in the beginning there were so few who believed. Now there are millions of people seeking alternatives for their health and the health of their family. I now share my vision with many healers and believers alike.

I will say this, I am glad to share it all now, we deserve to be healthy without drugs and surgeries being the only solution. We deserve food free of chemicals and modifications and hormones. We deserve fresh crisp air and bright energetic sparkling water and a safe and loving environment. Let's see that together! Imagine it, dream it and believe it to be real and SO IT WILL BE!! Namaste' Dr.Su

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

End the Illusion of Suffering

I keep seeing it, suffering as a way of life for so many people. It drives me to my knees. I go there in communion daily, for fun and health and yoga, but I do not want to go there for the suffering thing!!

Your life and health and success are yours and yours alone to access. Asking for guidance is a great idea, asking to be saved or cured is nonsense. You are your own cure!! I see others looking around for a life line, drugs, alcohol, therapies up the ying yang, the law, the career, the, the, the... Good heavens, when will believe we are all we ever needed. This is a perfect place to learn that. At the end of your time here you will not miss money or work or any of that stuff, you will miss one another and this beautiful earth. PERIOD.

Wait no longer, be you, in you, of you and for you, loving you. Then when you are full of that and overflowing, love the rest of us. We are worth knowing and loving and spending some quality time in nature with!!!! This is free, and the value beyond anything you have in the BANK.

Suffering is an illusion, pain is an illusion, reserved only for those who believe they still need the lesson. The rest of us are free!! Join us, The Creator would love that, since an end to suffering was offered as an option thousands of years ago.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We are heading to the Yucatan for the dawn of the new age on the 11-11-11. I have taken people with me on many excursions to different points of light for different energy upgrades. The world is full of power spots. We have here 'UP NORTH', a place for respite and recovery. Sitting by the water is a super healing choice. Many know this to be true and go there, some go ALOT.

We are nearing a huge shift and going to a power spot will enhance your experience with the changes. Love the fact that close or far, there are places to be on the 11-11-11 and so make your plans.

I say to all ready for the change this will be a banner day, swift and dramatic in every way. I choose to spend it with like minded people on the beach at Tulum south of Cancun, drumming and singing and loving the shift with all my might. There is room left on this trip, join us if you can, it costs $1,111.00 for the week with us, beautiful accomodations and beautiful people learning and doing amazing things. See you there, Dr. Su
Check for details and call to register 1-800-801-0922.

Points of LIght - Find them now and go there.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Central Sun/Son

From a place faraway there are those who have watched and waited for this time to come to Earth. It is called the Central Sun/Son. Many Avatars of Light have hailed from there to here over time immemorial to share with humans, stories of the Light.

We love those stories. The Bible is full of them so are other spiritual books. Also their are story tellers who remember stories and legends who share them with those who will listen, The White Buffalo Calf Woman is one such remarkable Avatar, who brought gifts from the Central Sun/Son to this world to the Red Nation. Buddha brought Light to the Yellow Nation and so on and so forth, Jesus came to all nations very recently. These stories bring promise of the new day of Unity and Peace.

Well check the horizon now, for they are all returning with the Dawn and now is that time. Focus on the Light only, the darkness is none of your concern. Feel how it warms you, and shows you the details of the way in plain and clear sight. Follow the path that shows itself. No more tricks or sales pitches, just truth and forward momentum toward the Light.

If anyone uses fear or threats or guilt or bullying to get you to do something, turn and walk from them and toward the Light. You need not say a word. No conflict necessary. Just turn yourself and move off. The Light will show you the Way and the Truth, simply accept the gift and the blessing. It is time now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Can you see me?

There are two aspects of the human - divine feminine and divine masculine - inward and outward. Each person has both. Some are balanced with equal parts of the gift creating wholeness and harmony, others are wacky-doo, with one or the other over shadowing the minor player. I can be a mirror and project outward to anyone I want to, using my masculine energy like a projector. It makes me a formidable opponent. I do that sometimes when I feel attacked. The other part of me radiates and is visible as a receptive loving energy. That is the feminine part of each one of us.

I have a gift when it comes to speaking - either way I go I create an impact, masculine scares people, shreds them really. I can shred people with my truth, so can you. It is a weapon of mass destruction used inappropriately. It does cut through the bull though when applied correctly. My first husband always thought I should have practiced law with that gift.

The receptive side of me is where I do my work. In helping people understand their bodies and how to help themselves I use the impression part of my divine feminine to feel them, it is called empathy. I do it on purpose. Many do it without knowing how to ocntrol it and feel the weight of other's burdens constantly. My sight is not only physical, it is impressionable and with it I see energy and can compute that into empathy and understanding, then I can be a part of the solution not add to the imbalance.

That being said, consider this, just for today I will choose to use my gifts, both masculine and feminine as a benefit for me and everyone around me. I will reflect back to those who seek to shadow me their shadow side and all it's pain, I will embrace and be loving and receptive to all that embrace and lovingly accept me. I will choose peace and harmony to stay within me and I will be grateful that I can use my freewill for such a divine purpose.

Fun, HUH???

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A tiny child made my day!

I got into the elevator this morning with a dad and two boys, the boys were smiling and chipper. I said to the dad, isn't it magical for them to wake up so happy and ready for the day? He just smiled back at me, but the tiny boy looked up at me and said, You smell so good, not all grandmas smell like you, some smell bad, but you smell great!! Then he gave me a big a hug around my legs!!

The dad was surprised, but not me, I felt like I smelled and looked great and that tiny boy knew that, he just wanted to let me know, it was SHOWING!!

Thank you God for tiny people and their honest open ways! They are such a gift.

Can we trust anyone?? No, learn to trust yourself.

I see people wandering around looking to trust some one to help them. Builders, lawyers, doctors, judges, partners, and even friends are my recent trust issues. I grew up not really knowing what it was like to have a dad who loved you, my dad passed when I was just 2 and that feeling of insecurity that came with his departure stayed with me till just recently. I always wanted to rely on someone, have someone in my corner no matter what. Brave and honest and willing to get involved and go the extra mile. Not in my world.

As a grown up I still looked. I hired a builder who was gifted but I couldn't trust, I gave, he took and in the end I got the short end of the deal, a house with only some of the stuff done. Then I hired an attorney to help me with this issues and he did the same exact thing, took and gave back just enough to keep me as a client until I got wise and realized he too, was not to be trusted. Funny how life has a theme. Was it me who had the issue - of course it was. You only attract the lessons you need to complete.

I didn't trust me. OOPS!! What then? I had to look and find me and set it up so that I could and would take care of myself. PERIOD. Noone here is to take care of me, I must learn to use my skills, intuition and love of self and life to be that person I always sought somewhere outside of me. Trusting in the process. Trusting in the Divine design of the whole experience. Trusting that when this life is over, I will be glad I gave it another go.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I heard a gentleman say today, what you honor is what you will end up with in your life. namaste' means to honor another's spirit as yours. I do not have to agree with you to honor you and your passion and your journey and your life lessons. Like I said before I am relieved that certain lessons although they are being played out down here are not in my personal sphere. I honor all lessons as gifts from Creator in the education and advancement of souls. Period.

In honoring a person they must be given love. I love everyone, but I sure don't like them all. Love supersedes matter, it creates potential. I do that alot, use love to create potential. I love my work, passionately, and many who feel that love use that knowledge, honor it and make it their own and create amazing changes in their lives and health.

Others resist and that I also honor. Those who are not interested move on to other teachers, some stay in my space but choose another role to interact with me. It is interesting. Some even challenge me with their resistance. That kind of cracks me up. I am not that interested in those challengers any more, their fire and fury are just a flash in the pan and watching them flash and burn out is sad. I lose interest in any interaction at all. I would rather honor peace and harmony.

Today I will focus on what and who I honor, I will start with myself. I will honor my body by eating good stuff, playing in the sun and laughing with friends, I will honor those around me with a smile and a nod and I will honor the Creative Source of All That is with a grateful heart. Namaste' Dr. Su

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A whole new set of values

In my lifetime stuff was the thing, not so much items as the ability to have enough money to do what I wanted when I wanted. I went through the eighties accumulating stuff and felt rather competitive about it. My perception was on that and I had friends who did the same thing. Then something changed, I got sick. In the late eighties I got interstitial cystitis, a chronic super painful bladder disease - incurable by medicine. It changed my focus forever. No sleep without drugs, every waking moment I was tormented by the pain, feeling like you have to pee every 2 minutes and going brought no relief. I couldn't get to a basketball game without a wayside rest stop, it was life changing.

I had kids at that time at home with me and we loved to play, especially outside, swim, ski, whatever. All effected by my problem. Then a doctor said he could use an implant and with electric current block the pain, I thought well maybe, then he said but in 5 years your bladder will need to be removed and you will need a bag!!! First thing I thought was how could I play on the beach with my kids with a urinary bag? No way, not now, not ever. I then changed my focus, fixed myself with natural medicine and let that chapter of my life go forever.

I valued my girls above everything else, I would not sacrifice anything in my life that stopped me from being a good mom. That would have had an impact and I changed the decision. Here is the point. So many people are suffering because their values are not of love. Loving your family, your body, your life here, mother earth and those things raises your level of ability to your most powerful energy. Like the mom who lifted her crashed car off her kids to save their lives.

Look at your values, if the opinion of others is one of them - reconsider that, if stuff is one, look at that too, really see what it is that you cannot live without and focus on that. If love lights your heart when you see or feel someone or something, follow that, if you worry or feel insecure that what you cherish could slip away, it will. My girls are forever, my life here and my work a close second, my ranch is great because it is the home for all the animals I care for. Other then that I can go anywhere and do whatever I want as long as love is the motivation. Any other reason takes away the value. Let's all upgrade what we value, love it, cherish it and consider it daily as the blessing it is, Namaste' Dr. Su

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pets are us!! Let the love flow.

I have kittens now, have had all summer and the joy they have brought the kids who come to ride is amazing. Horses, dogs, chickens with baby chicks and kittens make this ranch a virtual love fest. Hugs, kisses and cuddling all are part of the experience. It left me thinking about how truly lonely people are.

My stepfather has no more pets, nothing to cuddle or let out or feed and I see now that his energy is moving inward. It is a reaching out that a pet brings forth, like a magnet. Touch me, comfort me, play with me, nourish me, all from them to us but really a reminder for us to do the same for ourselves.

If you have no pet, borrow one, babysit one or go to the humane society and play with one. There are zillions of critters who could use a good petting just like the humans need those strokes too.

The tiny kitten of the litter went to a new home with a sparkling lady who came to watch someone else's kids ride. She instantly knew her name and began calling her that right away. I believe animals recognize us from other lives and are here as angels to be with us, this kitten certainly knew her new mom!

It one of God's greatest gifts and Nature's pleasure to provide people with animal companions who help us along the way. If you are sensitive to dander, use lemon juice in your water to clear your liver and cherry juice to clean up your kidneys, organic cherry lemonade with simply lemonade and cherry added is one of my favorite drinks, and those sensitivities will diminish greatly, also your diet upgrade to whole healthy food will reduce sensitivities as well. A win-win on all fronts. Save a animal and save yourself! Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Noise pollution - stop it now!

Have you been hollering at something or someone, or been hollered at? Me too. Both have occurred through out my life. My mother hollered all the time, my 2nd husband was a screaming maniac and so are some of the other people I know. I can not stand that. My girls, when they were little were subjected to my whispers instead of a loud shout. I would say very quietly, come over here, we need to chat, and their eyes would open wide as they came closer, never quite sure what was up. If they were in trouble it was between me and them, noone else needed to know.

I do not need to know anyone who shouts for any other reason then joy. You and I are used to noise pollution, TV, radio, street corners and family matters, all in that realm commonly.

How do we stop it, we can not stop another, so all we can do is turn the deaf ear and walk away. These are choices that are needed now to create peace and quiet and respect.

Teachers who raise their voices have no respect for their students, bosses the same thing, parents worse then either of those. If you do not respect the other person enough to speak with kindness and love then you are truly in the wrong company.

Fear is the only reason to holler, I will hear fear and make a choice, help or not, but I now will not hear criticism or frustration any longer. I will be peaceful and whisper once again. Try it, you may like it.

Are you seeing numbers??? Magic is happening

11:11 keeps popping up for me, so does 5:55, there is a resource about number sequences for those among us being prompted.

If you are seeing sequences, look it up, Doreen Virtue has a site with lots of details.

Mine is a fresh start with tons of potential. It also is hold on to your hat for the changes a super big ones.

When they appear hold them for a moment,just like an animal crossing your path meaning something special, these sequences do too. Be alert, you deserve this.

It is time now.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hoarding and disease, see the parallel

When we hoard, or stockpile we stop flow and create stress, we cram into space more then is necessary or useful. That crammed and jammed space will attract whatever it can to break the log jam. Free flowing we are healthy fit, lean and happy, plugged up, jammed tight, overstocked, all the American way, is killing our flow. look around your world, does it flow easliy? Can you freely move your body any way you like? Are you stuck in the middle of a bunch of garbage or stuff?? Take it one step at a time and clear it out, give it all away, remember gifting results in receiving gifts!! This is your chance, take it and use it to heal yourself.

Cancer is not a disease it is a response

You are attractive, truly magnetic in every way in all you do. The largest electro-magnetic field of your body is generated by your heart, It radiates that energy out in all directions. Seeable. Photographable.

When you have embraced a toxin, emotion, food, chemical, whatever, you create a negative or reverse magnetism. You attract that which is needed to clear the system. Bacteria, virus, parasite and fungus, will be embraced by the body to help the body.

That is how you work. The only cure for your issues is you, you must clear any toxin emotional, genetic and chosen by lifestyle to clear the way to unlimited health. Your immune response is a gift from Creator and it is amazing. Your freewill is also a gift and can be used to help yourself or make yourself sick. Think about it, there are NO VICTIMS here, only students. The Earthmother offers many helpful elements and plants to support you. Check it out, you'll be glad you did. You are the only one who can change and live, noone else can do this for you. Namaste' Dr. Su

The reflection of self in our children

Years ago I took a class from Rabbi Dossick about helping the Indigo Kids, I know now that class was about me, for me, to help ME. The only way I can help kids, mine or anyone else's, is to see myself. Horses reflect you to you, it is an amazing tool for those looking for truth. They unlike our children do not keep the energy of the person they are reflecting, they let it go when the person moves off. Kids on the other hand will hold your reflection sometimes for a lifetime or longer.

Today analyze your kids, what do you admire in them, take a note. What do you fear as potential for failure, own it. Are they renegades? Are the overweight? Are they disinterested, like ADHD? Are they depressed? Are the lonely or lost? Are they ill, chronically or critically?? You are them, and they are stuck with you!! Freewill does not come to them to break the chain until they are grown up and have their own kids. The buck stops with us and we can do the changing to give them a better life.

I learned EAV testing and naturopathy to create a better life for my daughters, seeing that the health care system in America was a failure for me. One is now a Naturopath, funny how the reflection carried through. I played and sang for the front part of my life and loved it and then quit, my other daughter won't sing and she has an awesome voice, GUESS I BETTER GET PLAYING AND SINGING AGAIN!!!!

It's you and only you you can change, they receive it when YOU have cleaned up your act. So stop talking about it, stop criticizing them and look in the mirror, it is YOU, YOU, YOU. Want them sick, stay sick. want them frustrated, stay frustrated, want them fat, keep eating and drinking garbage, want them cursed, then keep on cursing. Want them healthy, find healing, want them successful, then cherish and manifest your own natural gifts and be grateful, want them to know they are loved, then speak only of love and let go of everything else. It is all good!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Casting Stones - not such a good idea

Who among us is without faults? I sure have plenty. I have spent lifetimes working through them one at a time. Habits, responses, choices are a part of our daily lives.
I am so busy trying to keep my own aura clean and my own health and potential in line and moving forward I truly do not have time to be concerned with the choices other's are making. I am grateful that other's have their own lessons and that in the whole of consciousness they are actually doing that work for me, so I don't have to go there. THANKS!!

In the news story that aired about me a Naturopath in Minnesota decided she would, rather then investigate or even call me, endorse the lies that were published. Without a thought as to the lies she was endorsing, she took the stage and threw her stones. WOW!

We, Naturopaths, take an oath, it says first do no harm, how can a person sign that oath and then commit such a hurtful and damaging act???

I called her, I emailed her and I copied her on the judge's ruling, finding me completely innocent and vindicating me completely.

Wanna know what she said, Stop my ranting, or else. I told her I expect her to make amends for her complicity, or she will get in spades what she puts out there. Now let's just see what happens.

Casting stones is a very bad idea, for in the world we live in the boomerang effect is now amplified and one stone becomes 100 back at you!!

Be mindful and kind, error on the side of non-judgment, do your homework, check into the details before you make a judgement and stand up to bullies and liars and those with an agenda you do not endorse, they have gotten away with their duplicity for way too long. They say one thing and then do another. This was purely a political choice for this woman, not one a woman of compassion or love would make. Feel sorry for them, send them love, for their journeys are tough and getting tougher, but it is time now for all truth to be the only reality.

Women in power now need to have complete accountability and act with nothing but integrity, exposure of every single details of their lives and agendas is what will need to happen for us to restore any trust, those who choose not to be accountable will simply disappear. Namaste' Dr. Su

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do strong fences make good neighbors???

Boundaries are yours to create and choose to use to keep your area, you, your body and your family safe and clear from danger. Aurically you need good strong self love to set up a boundary of love and light that no darkness may penetrate. People in jail with good boundaries feel as though they are free, spiritually clear and forgiven they truly are.

I have shared beachfront, neighbors all using it as an association. One family has determined that they are the beach police and make it their business to cross boundaries without cause or invitation. Strange to me, hurtful and toxic to others. I went there the other day with a roommate and two guests to pray for peace on that beach. The conflicts destroy the natural beauty and peace of an amazing place. These neighbors without provocation again begin their policing ways, harsh negative words and threats, all nonsense to me, where hurled about. Funny what happened next, a big wild storm came!! I mean 4 ft waves, cracking lightening and deafening thunder - wow.

I love nature and her power, she can mirror anything. These folks took off like their hair was on fire, leaving us in peace and Mother Nature in her power and wisdom surrounded us in love and we smoked our pipes and sang our sangs without any issue at all.

This is what I mean about boundaries, we repelled their anger, didn't accept it as ours in any way, they created a storm that hurt only them, we were safe and protected in our love for our land and each other. That's how this works.

So for today, set your boundaries, fill your own field of energy with love of self and purpose and light it up for all to see. The others will soon be driven away by their own choices, damaging only themselves, while we live free and in peace. Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, August 1, 2011

Let every step of the way be truly yours

Sometimes we feel pushed or pulled or even tipped over by what we think someone or something else has done to us. It is simply not true. Your steps are your own choice, the direction you move and the speed with which you move, yours too.

Envision a focus, something beautiful you are moving toward, see only that vision, now by choosing to put one foot in front of the other and begin your movement. Success is manifested by focus, weight loss and ultimate health are too. Love and laughter take a focus as well. Look around and find the good, the funny, the healthy and the successful, now focus, speak of it, dream of it, draw it and sing it into reality. Your choice.

My friend swears, alot. It hurts my ears and it takes away my focus from the good stuff. It distracts me no end. Complaining and whining do the same thing, I know now that I must leave that all behind. It is up to me to find those happy things, thoughts and words in my life that enhance my journey, not distract me. Criticism is not an option, own your own thoughts of negativity, get help if you need it to relieve yourself of their burden, but do not put them into the AIR with your words.
The rest of us do not need to know that stuff about you ever.

Two tricks I learned that help with this, one is to write down the frustrations of my life and burn them. That helps alot, the other is to meditate quietly and see with my eyes closed all my burdens lifting and floating upward. I say thank you for teaching me and move on now, that works too.

As each one learns this the whole of this planet benefits, look at the video on my facebook page about hope, it really tells a great story. Susan Anderson Hudson Wis, see you again!!