Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Full Impact!!

It jostles you, your life, your next step, even your beliefs. I have engaged in full impact before. I know it is ALL me. I can attract the reflection of me in so many ways. I know that when I come in to view in my own heart and with my own eyes, I will be impacted greatly! I know that the closer I allow someone or something to me, the greater the impact will be. I have done it at school, at work, at home and at play. Sometimes it brings pain, sometimes it brings freedom, sometimes it brings beauty and every single time, it brings Creator. I see me and Creator together creating impact. I do it on purpose and with those of like mind and spirit. Are you seeking full impact now, buckle up, it is going to be incredible!! A worthy and opening experience! Just breathe/breeze  through it, that's the best way!

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