Friday, October 24, 2014

Conscious? or not yet?

In my work I look at auric or energetic responses. I can see your lights coming on or dimming. It is the edge of consciousness. When we are awake we are aware that every second offers a choice. When we are wasted, too high, too tired, too upset, too needy, or however you waste your presence, it takes your ability to choose AWAY, from you. Then random or more often, other's choices are used instead. I have been to parties where when someone decides to party everyone simply follows along. I call it elbows and assholes. I see the mess of energy, people reaching into each other's space without thought, certainly not conscious and responsible and loving. I left that behind decades ago yet I can still recall the energy in my memory. I know that being awake and choosing each detail of my life has been wonderful. I have chosen a variety of experiences, classes, partners and friends. I am conscious of nature, so I not only choose it, I appreciate it and care for it gratefully. I am conscious of human disorder, so being a doctor and sharing natural solutions is my choice. What are you willing to be awakened to and aware of? What part of dim or dull or manipulated still holds your attention? You are powerful and have access to all the things of GOD. Have you forgotten that in your life? Come on, it is awesome and it will change your life forever, I promise that. Consciousness will save this world and her children too! Wake up, sober up, get up and enjoy!

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