Sunday, June 2, 2024

See/sea = ENERGY

The energy of each individual has great value. Learning to direct and manage that gift is not the order of days these days. Get in line, go with the flow, uniforms for all, has been the management system. It ostracizes the unique or one of a kind energy as misunderstanding becomes the level they offer the special. ALL that matters now is that we honor all energy as pure light potential. When we see it or feel it we are given a chance to honor it for what it is. PURE POTENTIAL. See the star-light, the soul in the eyes/i's of the being BEING a vessel of energy. A client of mine with AUTISM, super brilliant and super healthy now, said to me, when you teach me I feel it in my heart. I learn with my heart and teach to the heart of the matters in all I do on behalf of AUTISM. He is a world traveler and speaker to the energy of the austism he manages in his life. He is a musician and writer too. I was impressed by the articulation of his truth and the accuracy of my work to him. TODAY see the star light, the energy, the spark in those around you. pictures I can see, with sounds I can hear, and in words that I can understand, WHAT IS THIS?? Make it abundantly clear to me! AND how do I manage myself in this field of energy? The gift will be yours just for the asking! A seer, a dreamer, a vsionary, hopeful and helpful too will be the result in this sea/see of energy here now.

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