Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Get your DREAMS on!

If you do not sleep you do not dream. Long forgotten the dreams of the children under the stress of not sleeping peacefully. Bed wetting, night terrors, walking while asleep, refusing to sleep in a dark room or alone then waking up tired and not ready to enjoy the day. NIGHTMARES ALL. When you hit the hay, drop to your knees, ground the energy of your kidneys running through to the baby toes, we we we all the way home, as we all know from the nursery rhyme. It is so simple. The energy and it's wiring are here/hear for you to understand and control and direct. Learn your meridians, they in children especially need good directions. Not giving away the power of the adrenal glands are key. The first teeth in the human are directly wired to the kidneys and adrenal glands. Grounding this meridian will help regulate fears. It it the controls of excitment center, security base, sugar regulation, sexuality and the HEART. Broken hearts can be mended, burned out kidneys, exit stage left by way of dialysis. LET the dreams begin. A zyto scan and a consult will give you the next step. SEE YOU THERE, thehawc.com has my schedule and the sign up app. Let's sleep with dreams of magic, our days need our nights/knights. That shining armour and that hero of the MOON!

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