Saturday, June 8, 2024


It is intentional. It is never an accident or a mistake. Supporting the universal adoration of the parent who is parenting is essential. With that support and unconditional love the next generation will flourish. My experience as a parent of young girls was supported unexpectedly one day when I got a letter in the mail from my Grandmother Susie. She took us in as little ones when our dad died in 1959. She never flinched. Cooking, gardening, sewing, knitting and crocheting and selling avon door to door were her world. THEN US, 3 little ones from Wisconsin now in North Dakota. Twenty five years later the letter came and the support was offered. Although my style was my own, she knew my heart, and told me I WAS A GOOD MOTHER. She told me to keep up the good work no matter what anyone else said. That is all I needed to know for sure. We could work with that. SO>>> to all the parents out there - you are doing a good job, keep up the good work and everything will turn out just fine. Namaste'

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