Thursday, May 30, 2024

The drop of water in the ocean of earth

Animated upon arrival. The spark is here and dances with the water for 9 months, and then moves into the air of breath here/hear. What does an infant here/hear? In utero or out, they hear/here everything. So does the hierarchy. However you perceive them, they listen, they watch and here/hear what it is you are doing. That being said, if the hereing/hearing of you is uncomfortable, pay attention to the things you listen to and never speak the toxic words you may sometimes here/hear. Careful what you wish for, you will here/hear it into reality soon. Every single drop of water - MATTERS on Earth. You matter. What you here/hear or say or do matters. And... as if the GOD -SPARK IN ALL THINGS MATTER, be alert and grateful you get one more chance to feel the light of creation and the love of Source. You will feel it all, so do it in love, light and laughter cuz that is all we need now.

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