Tuesday, June 11, 2024

VENOM do the homework

I love the fact that so many still learn something new every single day. My partner, before he died, said he was learning to say I LOVE YOU in 28 different languages. He almost got the job done! What will you learn and apply today? The venom that causes so many ISSUES WITH MAMMALS AND BIRDS, needs to be learned before you choose it in a medication. It is too hard on my body there fore I would never choose it!! The over reaction to stings and bites is NOT natural, it is perpetrated by the venom already injected into the humanchild. Do the HOMEWORK. Learn to test the energy of all that you embrace. Take nothing at face value, test it. Do not be bullied! Is your ability to see, feel, taste, and know... clean and clear? Or is it vague and easily manipulated? Get a pendulum, use your kinesiology, and never hesitate to get a second and even third opinion. If the hair goes up on the back of your neck, turn and run away!!! If the hair on your arms and legs tingles, STAY for the inspiration. Life is your gift and choice and homework is how you grow and learn to be whole and happy here.

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