Sunday, June 16, 2024


Heritage. In the identification of the heritage in our DNA, it shows up. Hair, skin, eyes and even movement are history or herstory. Savants remember. They play their music as masters. They ride their horses like the wind. They live and love what brings comfort and supports the memories. If your heritage is not known to you, it disturbs your piece/peace. Orphans adopted out sometimes are told nothing about where and who they came from. It disturbs the flow of the DNA, especially if denied or disrespected. It causes DIS-EASE. My Grandson Banks shows his Father's HAIR-itage as a whirling dervish of curls. Magnificent! My daughter Jessie Ruof's hair is long and straight and blond. NOT BANKS HAIR. He is so lucky to have his dad, Martin Ruof, as his knowledge of his history will be available to BANKS whenever he wants to know. Hair tells that story for them. DNA open and flowing. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, MARTIN RUOF, you are a wonderful dad!

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