Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Moon June 6

Under the dark of the new moon we get to rest. Letting the pot sit for a moment after a long boil. People still wear/where masks in fear of one another, even though the infamous Dr. Fauci said he just made that up, telling that to the congressional hearings the other day. Learning that you are being manipulated is hard, it hurts feelings. Fooled? Many were fooled, injured too. A lot of people died. Managing your health and welfare is a tough job, leaarning what you need to know to manage children, well that truly is a whole other story. The love of family is gigantic, and to manipulate that takes a lot. There/their/they're are those who make it their life's work. Sad but true. SAY This...STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. Tell me what you want. TELL ME why I should listen to you. Then take the time it takes to find the choices, the people, the places, that make your heart sing. IF IT DOES NOT, walk away. Period. Nuff'SAID! You have free will, use it. Your children deserve the best you have to offer.

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