Saturday, June 15, 2024


I got another one and yesterday we put it up for the summer. It is a mystical place, the home AND the vacation home of the Native American. Put it up, take it down, transport it according to weather and do it again. The women were responsible for THIS. As I U-tubed it's construction and coached the helpers, I LAUGHED OUT LOUD. The GIANT RESPONSIBILITY of the HOME and who is there to care for it and it's occupants, family and visitors and even enemies in discourse. Food, shelter and the love of life it requires every day is colossal. WOMEN were honored for their ability in this tradition as it was necessary they were suited for it's duty. Take moment today and honor the women who fed you, tucked you in, laughed at your antics and gave you the LOOK when something wasn't right. They are the TIPI, a mystical reality we have forgotten. There is no life without the MOTHER, the TIPI, The gift that keeps on giving!!!

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