Wednesday, June 19, 2024


How do we define the BEST? Riley, our new ranch hand, said this job is the BEST I have ever had! he thinks that about working here at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson WI. Others may not think that. It is a big project, with hard work, lots of dirt, lots of equipment to keep up and critters everywhere. The tipi fell down, the truck was full of stuff, and the lawn needs to be baled from so much growth. Then he smiled and dove in head first. Not all things are for all people. It takes a moment to remember that. YOU ARE THE BEST! FIND YOUR BEST SELF and where/wear it proudly. Behaving as if the GOD IN ALL THINGS MATTERS, makes for the best! It is an understanding that the love this earth and hers, is more powerful than anything less. Leave that to others looking for less. LOOK UP, the sun and the moon are watching and the best is visible and under the LIGHT! It is ours to see/sea and be. Live light, laugh alot and love the chances you get, you will be up there with the sun and moon soon enough. FOR now we need your best.

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