Friday, July 18, 2014

The song of your life

Sound and color, the two aspects of creation that are real, present, and greatly misunderstood and underutilized. The front of the brain where the intellect, the emotions and the ego reside, is the part that is less than 10%, 5% in most.  Tiny really. The other part, the 90%, is the creation part that uses sound and color to lay down the next thing. Patterning you and your life and your experience comes largely from there. Nature does it beautifully. Humans are still working on it. When you speak, check the sound of your voice, the tone is takes it to where it goes. If I speak to your heart, I can get the message to every part of you and with that comes an overwhelming feeling of love. If I speak to you in sharp or angry tones I may hit your heart, but I also risk breaking it. I see it all the time with kids and animals, tones and words doing harm. Then the colors start. Your aura colors are upped or downed, lightened and energized or darkened and  sometimes even extinguished. In the beginning there was the word.......then came the colors and then our beautiful world. Create your world with your song, your tone. Proud as a peacock today to be in this world again, I truly am that I am. That is my song today. YOURS???????

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