Tuesday, July 15, 2014


"I will give you something to cry about!" and she did over and over again.  So to make it harder for her, I STOPPED. I refused to cry, even after a beating, which then lead to another one, NO TEARS. No way, no how, not me, not now, not ever again. Crying was giving in and giving up and I was not going to do either of those things, not for her. Loss and injury over and over, and no tears. UNTIL NOW. It took me a lifetime to get back the gift of letting go and releasing the pain and memories that held me so tightly to it all. I knew the gift, I see it in others all of the time in my practice. Tears of relief, release and realizing it will be OK. I just never knew them for my own peace. Then my ZION, my beautiful dog left and the tears came and came and came. He was a gift in life, and even more of the same loving gift in his departure. I am a grateful parent and he was a family member who gave me back the rest of me. I cry now for peace and joy and loving the children and the animals and nature and  for loving me and YOU TOO.

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