Saturday, July 12, 2014

From the memories

You are there within you. Other places and lives ring true to you. You are attracted to locations, styles, people, because your energy knows them from before. I have been here many times and love many places and things.  I have also found some of them to disturb me as well. I have spent this lifetime honing in on my favorites and recreating them in my world. I love log cabins and live in one, I love horses and have several. So that is how the truest of stories goes for me. How about you? Are you living within someone else's dream or do you have one of your own? Think about it, align to your dream and then bit by bit set it up for yourself! You will be so thrilled to be YOU! Memories hold the jewels of you, all of you all the way back to the beginning. The face of Creator is still in my heart and from there I set off on my adventures. That is my favorite memory of all!

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