Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tired of being the hero? How about the victim?

In the larger scope of reality there are no heroes and no victims, we are all the same. We separate here to experience one of a kind sorts of challenges and lessons so that in remembrance and reunion we all bring value to the table.

I had to be a victim as a child to get my mother to settle down and focus on caring for me. I am very independent and she didn't like that, so healthy and happy and on a roll didn't get her attention. WINNING was not what she wanted for me, therefore even attending an event I competed in never happened. But if I was hurt or sick she was Johnny on the spot. So I got hurt and sick alot.

There is so much to learn here and learn at quick speed now is the way to go. Being hurt or sick or being the hero or savior is the challenge, when the lesson has been learned those behaviors disappear.

If we are not in love with our own life and personality and process we will stick our nose in other's business, pretending we know more than they do and hurriedly getting their job done. THEN we want the atta-boy, and there never is enough of that.
The world needs to take care of it's own stuff now, it is called RESPONSE-ABILITY. That is what we need to demonstrate in our own life with our own health and happiness and success. PERIOD.

Choose to follow your own lead to your own success and joy will be there when you arrive. Stop looking for the atta-boy and stop stopping to create a drama for the attention. JUST BE HAPPY. You are a blessing and that is the only thing you need to know. There are no mistakes here, no curses, nothing to fix really, your heart is full of good ideas and a plan to follow, learn to meditate and bring that love of life into play. If you do then others will too cuz it will look so cool and be so awesome they will not be able to resist the charm of it.

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