Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't look back - Look up and see the Light of the new dawn

What is done is done. Never to be undone. You did what you did, you said what you said and that is now a completed project. Let it go, it cannot be taken back.

This new age needs your complete attention. Attention to the details of your new reality are totally up to you now. No one else can or will do your work for you. You get what you see and say out loud.

For years and years I watched and also participated in the mayhem of this world. Not knowing how much impact I was having on myself and those around me. Party on, forget about it and I'll clean it up later, were my thoughts. Well, it is later. Now is later. And cleaning it up seems to be a rather large project. Look around, we have some work to do don't we?

Start back to work today, start with you, stretch and breathe before you move out and on with your day, eat a good, healthy breakfast so your body has enough clean burning fuel to do all it needs to do without distressing it. Drink a big glass of clean water and take a bottle with you too. Have a vitamin and some minerals and an essential fatty acid, like fish or flax oil and throw in some D-3 and extra vitamin c, cuz it's dark and cold here in Wisconsin.

Then look up, see yourself in the mirror and smile and say I love you, then move into your day with that good stuff under your belt and see what you can create - unlimited
potential ahead now - for all who seek it!! I sure do, Namaste' Dr. Su

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