Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Morning World we are here and awake now, sorry for the delay

Groggy, some still sound asleep, yet there are those of us who are finally awake and alert and ready to clean this place up. The Earth mother has waited for us for a very long time and she is happy to see her little charges lighting up now.

Are you one of the awakened?? You would know because your feelings about your past are almost dreamlike, as if you saw yourself on TV or in a video. Not you really, just some one who looked like you, behaving in ways YOU would never agree to, although it looked like you did there for a minute.

Now looking ahead, let's begin to remember what this was all about and what it is we are supposed to be doing.

First off you are not alone, you never were, it felt that way though and that was the point. To go it alone was the original opportunity to use free-will. Many did it with verve! Others sat and waited for it to be over.

Neither schools or churches addressed that issue and no instruction was ever really available till now.

Lesson number one - you are the perfect expression of the creative froce of the I AM that I AM energy. There is nothing wrong with you on any level, not broken or bad or worthless. Find that part of your memory and write a story about the perfect you. Describe yourself in detail and love the look and ability that you have. This is so important, and I for one want to know who you are and what you are capable of - NOW!

Please post your stories, I will post mine, love to all who dream and become their dream come true! Dr. Su

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