Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reflections of self

Let's take a look at how we are now, clearly in the next three dragging months of mars retrograde, this is your chance now. If you don't believe me, look it up.

People are fat and skinny and sad and not, they are wealthy and angry and some are just the walking dead. Most of us are simply searching.

We use others to reflect us back to us. I am a special type of reflector. One of a kind so to speak, I choose to reflect as clearly as possible, you back to you.

Hear me and know how this works. In the larger scope of things we are ONE all together as a force of creation powered by love. period. That is where the little advice of "where two or three or more are gathered in my name there/their I AM also" came from. Jesus said that, so did Buddha, they all did. There is awesome power in numbers together with the same idea or vibration. Like the notes of music played by different instruments but all C. LOUD and CLEAR and resonating.

We reflect us. Animals and kids reflect you to you every time. Nature does it too, a little slower sometimes but still very clearly. I can make a storm in the air when I am angry, ask anyone, it is instant and loud and crashes around like a war, I can just as quickly switch it to a rainbow and a promise of a better day. I have pictures to prove it! You can do the same thing and often do. I have seen you make storms and illnesses and injuries and just plain chaos, over and over again. I have also seen miracle after miracle, and truly I like those so much better.

Here's the offer now. Choose a close view of yourself, like your dog or your lover or your kid. DO NOT ANALYZE THIS, just write down the nouns and adjectives that describe them in your eyes to you. PERIOD. Then set it aside for a day. After the waiting period is up, read and own every single piece and word. Apply it to you, only you. Now decide where your work must begin. Keep what you like and put the rest down and burn it, really light it on fire and let it go from you in smoke. That is what smudging is, use sage if have some. Then write the good stuff and keep it safe.
Review it daily and begin the metamorphis of you to the perfect you. You are your own healer and therapist and miracle. Welcome to the self of your dreams!! Namaste Dr. Su

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