Monday, January 23, 2012

do not be afraid of the response- abilties

People are so afraid now, afraid of their own SHADOW. That is to be expected, for it is the shadow side of our life that challenges us to learn and grow from experiencing true seperation.

Candy hidden from the view of others, drugs secretly taken when you thought no one was watching, stealing just a little so that it wouldn't be missed. On and on the shadow list goes, the dark side that you are too ashamed of to admit even exists.

I know those shadows well. When I was 15 I became bulimic, it scared me to death sometimes. I truly could not understand what was wrong with me and how I could do that to myself. It was a horrible secret to keep. Then one day I told my best friend, he nearly fainted with disbelief. He wasn't angry or anything, just so afraid for me. We talked in the car, so no one else would hear. We were stumped really, how could this happen, what caused me to do such a thing to myself. Was I sick or mentally off or spiritually in need of deliverance, we kids gave it our best shot, but there was no one in authority to ask for help, no one ever admitted that this disorder even existed back then and certainly no one I knew had any first hand knowledge of this behavior. I ended it's shadow rein on my life at the age of 20 when my new husband found out about it and simply said, " I love you, please do not do that anymore." I never did again.

Shadows disappear in light, light comes from love. It is no more complicated then that, but it is difficult to expose your underbelly to the light, it is scarey and we are afraid no one will understand or be able to continue to love us after we are exposed. That is the lie, don't believe it anymore, you are pure light - own that.

1 comment:

Scullynne said...

Great article! Inspirational!