Monday, January 9, 2012

can't please all the people all the time

I have a great job and it affords me a look into the eyes of those struggling in this world all day everyday. Some look right back at me, others look down. Some eyes close and some tear up, it is always a new story with a new person. In the eyes resides the soul, you can see it there. It will look at you sometimes as if from a distance and other times it is right up in your grill. Then there are the hiders. Those who don't show up but still have an opinion. They are the ones being called out most. They don't dare look you in the eye they know you will see all their junk. Behind the curtain like the great OZ, with lots of noise but nothing of real value.

The purging has begun, the heat is on. Many are losing their curtain, so to speak. Some have hidden behind their money, their family line, their politics, their religion, their education and their noise. If I holler loud enough no one will get near enough to see the real and true me and how truly afraid I really am, they can not look into my eyes if I remain hidden.

Times up!!!
All eyes are on you!!
No one will go without the all seeing eyes of everyone following them.
The souls are being flushed out from behind the curtain and the vulnerability of now having to become accountable for every single thing you have ever said or done is overwhelming to them. No escape, your secrets are out there for all to see.

The selling of a product that harms or simply doesn't work is over now. The gambling with other's lives or health or money ends now too. People will not give it up any longer. They want what they bought, not what you sold them from behind the curtain.

The authenthic you needs authentic people in your life, who give what they live. I told my story to an electronically inquiring party and she said don't tell me your silly stories, I am not interested. I am my stories, the whole of my life is me and my work and my personality and my value. I can't do my job without my story, it is not authentic without it.

I can only share what I know for real and have experienced first hand, I do not give the second hand information passed down through someone else's opinion without first trying it out and on for size and truth. Simple as that. Our education system has to change now, the telling someone instead of showing them and letting them do the work has failed, and those who practice on you with second hand learning will not be able to look you in the eyes. I tell clients when receiving advice to look the advisor in the eye and say is that what you would suggest for your child or mother or partner. In a flash - you will see the soul and it's authentic self and the truth will be exposed.

Come on let's all come out from behind the curtains of our lives now and play together nice, look me in the eye, I welcome you. My soul reaches out to any soul looking for a friend, a helper and just another soul.

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