Saturday, July 16, 2011

You become your focus

It does not matter what or who you claim to be focusing on, your focus becomes YOU!! You cannot hurt another unless somehow your focus becomes theirs. Two people I know well, projected a focus of negativity about me and my beliefs and words to a news reporter a couple of years back. I knew nothing of these e mails. I recently got copies with their names and email addresses and the focus of their pain as they wished to make it somehow about me. I don't care what people think, ever. My focus is my own reality and I know enough to remain, as my attorney calls me, optimistic to a fault!.

That includes every word, every thought and every deed. Understand that if you somehow see bad, wrong, broke or sick, whether you are projecting it or not, it is only for you and you will get the full brunt of your own thoughts!!!

Disease is not the focus ever, health and happiness must remain in the forefront and the goal with out waiver. That is why so many treatments fail, because their focus is negative and the results can only be a result of the focus. I tell my clients, never say the C-word ever ever ever. Or you will give a power from your focus.

Just today, focus clearly and with intention on all the good stuff, call it into focus and be specific. Then you can become the good stuff you conjured up in your focus. It is so so simple and a truth hidden from you for a long long time. Here's to light love and laughter, health, happiness and horses!!

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