Monday, July 18, 2011

Kids reflect you.

I know to look to the metaphors of life as reflections of me and my perspective. I see things, we all see things, they are viewed from lifetimes of lenses, one on top of the other. I commonly wear rose colored glasses and that causes me to view the situation from my heart only, where there is no judgement, just unconditional love.
That is not what I always do though, being human puts me in the lower chakras and sometimes has me seeing red!! Those are the human views that cause stress and create a stressful, not peaceful response.

People blame circumstances for their bad behaviors, I was stressed out so I overreacted and took it out on the dog or you or whatever happened to be in my way. There is no excuse for that and putting up with it and allowing yourself to be kicked over and over again is a choice. Stand up for yourself, defend your choice to be healthy and peaceful and joyful. If another rains on your parade with stressful negative behaviour, simply say I am sorry you feel that way and good luck with that and move along. You are not here to save anyone, so stop trying to be Jesus! I see people sacrifice their whole lives by crucifying themselves with the illusion that somehow they are responsible for others. Truly spiritual perspective has released that foolishness over and over again with the truth of the Higher Light beings who have tried to upgrade our knowledge. Everything begins with you and ENDS with you too. Don't look on the outside for solutions that are there on the inside and were all along. Pray, meditate and be in nature where the Mother can nurture you back to balance. This is where going within and staying there until you are healthy and peaceful is mandatory.

Grow up and grow happy and healthy, find a coach you trust and listen and practice, noone else can fix you, but you can choose to emulate someone you admire, look for the healthy, happy, youthful, successful,brave, joyful people out there, they are there and will show you ONE TIME, if you ask. Then it is up to you!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Parents this means you, your children are YOU until they are 15 or so, stop trying to fix them and start fixing yourself, if you are broke, fat, depressed or unhappy, your kids are too!

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