Saturday, July 9, 2011

Breathe in the LIGHT

As we move through the changes of our world now very very quickly, this simple exercise will facilitate your physical energy and body and upgrade your whole structure easily and effortlessly.

Step onto the Earth barefoot each morning and facing the Sun, breathe in the Light. Consciously pull it into your eyes and your lungs and then move it through your whole body with your mind. Once filled, radiate it outward. Do it until it flows in and out as easily as your breath. When we were simpler, each mom each morning would sunbath their newborns in the early morning sun to promote their health and growth. Twenty to thirty minutes was about all it took. Be that newborn. Sun-breathe and sun bathe yourself. You will change your molecular structure, the actual physics of your bodies programming will shift. This is a very simple choice and the upgrade to your body, mind and spirit will begin immediately!!!

No need now to be clogged up with toxins that the fats you are holding are protecting you from. Adipose tissue or fat, suspends those toxins, like in jello, ie preservatives, additives, chemicals, drugs, pesticides, herbicides and the list goes on and on from poisoning you to early death and the suffering and pain this causes. If you stop putting them into your body with light, real food from nature and pure pure water not in plastic and begin to Sun breathe through conscious choice you will melt it all away easily. AND IT IS FREE!

What do you got to lose?? maybe 20 or 30 lbs?? Get er done now!! it is summer and this will help. My client lost 20 lbs in his first 5 weeks of body cleaning and hasn't felt this great as he puts it maybe ever!! Namaste' Dr. Su

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