Thursday, July 28, 2011


Yes, really. Nature has instilled within every human an alarm bell, warning them of impending danger. When the bell sounds and the anxiety floods the body, it is time to look around with your eyes and listen with your ears and breath in and check it out to figure out what could be so wrong, you will feel it in your gut.

My first big alarm sounded in the fifth grade with my first amalgam filling and the response was sleeplessness, hyperactivity and ultimately rage and frustration. Those are alot of responsibilities for a little girl. It was that lesson that would change my life forever.

Sex, gambling, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and all the adrenal stimulants we use to override anxiety and those feelings may be fun for a moment but in their own way cause their own dangers.

Our health physical and mental are at risk.

We saturate ourselves with whatever we can get our hands on, legal or not, to find relief. It is an everyday search for many. Look at the testimonials of, Kaitlyn a 9 year old tells her story in her own words of her anxiety and the year from hell. This little girl missed 30 days of school and was miserable. Now she is free and clear and has an amazing understanding of what happened to her and how to remedy it quickly if it ever happens again. She has taught her whole family something new and so valuable that there is no amount of money to buy it. Peace, health, energy and happiness are free, but must be chosen.

Try this, leave behind the adrenal bell ringers for a day, no media crap, or electronics or chemicals or cursing and get into the sunshine in nature. Let her quiet your ringing bells, she know how and it is awesome. I do it with horses all the time and the beach too. You can find her anywhere!

Kids deserve a great and healthy life, it starts with the parents, show them how to be safe, use your anxiety to help you find your way and thank God for it, cuz it is magical.

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