Friday, July 15, 2011

What is my PASSION???

It is the task you do where time disappears. Simply put it is a joy that surpasses any level of work. Raising kids was a passion for me, softball is a passion for Tim. My work can be a passion when I am into it. My relationships can also be passionate, that includes the unconditional love part that is so challenging in this world.

How do I find those passions, first step away from your life for a day or two. A retreat or a time out can give you enough distance to see the passions from the dregs and duties that rule your time. Remember them from childhood, from past lives, from memories, then see if there is a way to recreate that passion again now.

Sports, clubs, volunteer work, travel, learning, there are so many choices. It is not for anything but joy that a passion fits into your life. It's residue is pure energy! Wow, cool, not only can I do what I love, there will be energy left over for the duties I feel I bear. That is a win win.

Focus and find just one. You will be so gald you did. Love to all, Dr. Su

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