Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You are your word!!

When you give your word, it is your contract, your truth and your bond with someone. What you say is what you get. I have recently been very aware of people's words, promises to be or do or commit and then whoosh - nothing but lame excuses and no effort or energy. Follow through is imperative, if we say we are going to be there, then we need to be there. If we say we will do this if you do this too, then do it without an attitude or excuse. If you do not wish to, then say so, period. Be clear so others do not have to compensate for your lack of follow through and your lack of commitment. When it gets tough, that is when the learning curve begins.

Ask youself some questions now.

Am I being totally honest?
Does this match my abilities and my desire to learn and produce?
Am I doing this for someone else's approval and affection or am I doing this for my own approval and affection?
Am I proud of my life, my words and my choices?
Do I expose my authentic self without fear?
Do I stand up for my beliefs and stay true to my convictions regardless of what others say or do to me?
Am I grateful and do I express that gratitude daily?

We are all guilty of giving in too easily, being bullied and just being too lazy.
Stop now and take a good look at your world, you have created it, every detail. Your reality is yours and yours alone. Noone else makes it or breaks it apart. If you think someone out there is going to upgrade your reality, think again. If you give them that power then you take it away from yourself. Own your own life now. Make choices that create a pure and honest space for you, others may be attracted, great, but if they start to persuade you away from what you love and know for sure you love it, you are being manipulated. Blame only yourself and then, Uninvite that!!

It is time now, wake up and be the you you always knew you were and can be. It is time now. Namaste' Dr. Su

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