Monday, July 11, 2011


Mothers during pregnancy dump thirty percent of their toxic load into their fetus during gestation. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TOXIC LOAD YOU CARRY AND ARE YOU DESIRING TO PASS THAT ON? We have known that since the 1960's.

In the wake of this, many kids are sick, super sick, mentally challenged, physically out of whack, and immune responses largely compromised. I have kids who get fevers every month of up to 105 for 3-5 days in response to this and with a detox and transition in diet this supposed syndrome disappears. Strange but very true, ask Naomi.

Mothers must in an effort to protect their young get some knowledge now and take responsibility for what they carry from life and from their mothers too. My mother was super toxic, suicidal at times, dark in many ways, angry and abusive for many years. I had to stop blaming her and stop feeling sorry for myself to be able to see the forest for the trees. I then, because I am a Mother, had to own what I had gotten from her and CLEAN IT UP AND LET IT OUT of my body, my emotions and my life, forever.

Looking back it was the hardest job I ever loved. Learning to be a healthy, happy, non-toxic mother was a lot of work and now that I see the results in the faces and bodies and relationships of my beautiful children I would have it no other way. We are constantly evolving toward the harmonics we deserve, but it is a conscious choice, not random in any way.

How do I start? First, make sure your words are loving, no loud cursing or blaming. Second, look in the mirror, do I want my kids to turn out like this?? Am I fat, lonely, pale, sickly, angry, etc? Third, get some help from a group of loving caregivers who are on this planet to assist in your process. It is work and a team of healers is what we all need. GOOD LUCK and GODSPEED, we are running out of time.
I honour your effort, Namaste' Dr. Su

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