Thursday, July 28, 2011

Unwitting self destruction

Are we without conscious consent destroying ourselves??

Dim bulbs unwittingly following the lead of others and media down the trail to illness, suffering and early departure??

Sometimes there is NO LABEL, that spells out the dangers, like with pop and toothpaste, but how about the foot long contraindications with medications??

If you are using anything that has a list like that, it is true and only a matter of time until you succumb to one or all the issues listed. Suicide a side effect - you have got to be kidding me, that anyone would try that even in desperation!
Cancer brought on by toxins, chemicals, and hormonal overloads, autoimmune disease in response to the same stuff.

Get your head out of your pillow, read the labels and believe them, risk is not an option, that is why I will not vaccinate, there is not one study, NOT ONE, that shows it is without risk, and those beautiful children deserve my protection, not a job as a guinea pig for science and the mad scientists!!!

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