Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where is peace?? See the Dove descending.

I love the sound of mourning doves cooing in the dawn of the day. I went to the paddock the other morning and she was there, grey and beautiful and bringing her song of peace. We can not create peace here until we own it with in our own beliefs and body.

Are you at war with your body. This one guy says all though he has allergies he won't stop drinking milk which would relieve that condition. War with the body. Mammals DO NOT GIVE MILK to anyone other then a baby. Period. Why are we so stubborn and insist that somehow we are different. We are them and they are us. Milk causes the mucous in the body to thicken up, ear aches, congestion, asthma and all sorts of wars break out in the body. Why?? Cuz the ads say that is where you get your calcium. BULL HOCKEY1 Try broccoli, try salmon, amazing amounts of calcium.

Learn to embrace your own peace, see the dove and then breathe her in. Ask your mind to show you peaceful resolution to all situations now. That can mean certain things come to an end. Let that peace that comes from endings envelop you, it is time. You need not agree to find peace, you can agree to disagree. There are souls here working on lots of lessons and challenges, sometimes they like to include you, blame you, borrow from you, somehow involve you, well just say no thanks, not interested. Then walk on, you will see them again in another place and time, we are all connected, for now peace is the most important choice. PEACE OUT. Dr. Su

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