Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Reign rain rein

I love words and all they secret. The depths beneath the depths of the GIFT of the WORD has been spoken of in every eon. It is not what you hear/here that is as important as what you say. YOU are your word. When given it is SOVEREIGN for you. Spoken as a contract and a bond with self. Reign rain rein are the words that give us the controls, dial it up or dial it in with the rains. The reigns that have ruled humanity are now being reined in by that same human community. When you are spoken to, see who is reining the words. Turning them like the reins on a BRIDLE, directions are given. YOU are here to direct your own words. USE their reign wisely and be accurate - they are coming to YOU for you. Time to take the reins on your own life, using your own words and how you choose to live in harmony here. Be very careful what you wish for out loud, cuz you are going to get it. GET IT???

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Star Harmony

In knowing we are from the stars, can we align to our family there/their/they're with harmony? Are we awake and aware enough to recognize this gift of connection? I have scene/seen a variety of starbeings, they are smart, strong, beautiful, helpful and sometimes daunting. I say stand in the LIGHT and tell me who you are and ask how I can be of service. They do that. In service to Source I do wellness. In service to my ancestors I do nature and horses. In service to the future here in this world, I DO EVERYTHING I CAN FOR CHILDREN. I offer support and protection with my work. The Star Beings that I answer to are in alignment with that job. As I have always known the true gold of this world is the children. Do your very best to do the very best for those magical souls who were born with STAR HARMONY and will deliver with your support!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The FULL MOON Portal For 21 June 2024 Is Open To Abundance✨ Dolores Cannon

Ideas shared

When was the last time you shared your really cool ideas? When did you have a new one? In the ruts we dig and spin our wheels in, the mud flies. We get dirty and wet, and in the energy hopefully we laugh out loud. I had to take off my sandals to get my horse in the mud yesterday. The Farrier said BARE-FOOT??? Aren't you worried around those big horses. NOPE I said, my feet will stay under me and they will not trample them. I like to be grounded. Mud or sand or grass, on a paddle board on the water, skiis on the snow, or a horseback over wild terrain on the BARE BACK of a horse. Those are my big ideas. My ideas of fit, fun, and the fact that I can choose without worry. Choose to share your wild ideas when they bring light, and joy. The children are watching, and then we can hear their wild ideas too. Star Knowledge is here in their ideas, let's listen to what they have to offer. Summer has arrived in our world.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Full Moon Solstice June 21 4pm Bonfire and potluck Rain or Shine thehawc.com

Are you ready to reset? This moon is the finale of eighteen months of drama in the Astrological perception. The next eighteen months are the reconstruction zone. I follow the LIGHT. Moon and Sunlight mark the path I traverse so I can see where to be. The world needs those who see where that light shines and like bugs to a glowing lamp allowing them to move to it. Illumination and warmth are of the light. KIDS need that now more than ever. I like their light, their sass, their strength, and their willingness. Learning the knowing/noing of choices is my way of supporting their journey in the same lights I love. Sun, moon, heart and soul, healing and happiness, finding something to be proud of that we can share with others with no fear, no seperation. Stand in the LIGHT and tell me who you are. TELL US ALL! Under the Full Moon of the Solstice of Summer we gather here, at HAWK"S RIDGE RANCH in Hudson WI every single year to here/hear your story. See you at the party tonight!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

WHY horses?

I could hear/here the distant drums even as a child. Were they war drums? NO, turns out they were the sound of HOOVES pounding. I got my first horse as a little girl and it took me to places I could not get to otherwise. My favorite was the beach and riding on the back of my horse as she swam in the St. Croix River here in Wisconsin. Bareback was the only way. Twenty four years ago I decided that kind of joy and the gift it offers would be a healing and happiness provider for kids with special needs. Michel Tigan moved in to the farmhouse at Hawk's Ridge Ranch and we began working with autism clients. She now runs the Y camps we so love. I kept up the good work and today it offers that magic to any and all who wish to feel the gift and here/hear the drums of those hooves. Mothers showed up the other day, AIM members and Standing Rock Water Protectors. Guys out of prison through Freedomworks and those in recovery from addiction recovery centers. Military and paralyzed young men who needed a lift. Engineers from Medtronics and the corporate reality and the list of those that needed a higher view kept coming. The Deconstruction Zone book and classes, and Todd Barnes and Lewiee Blaze the authors, brought young adults looking to reconstruct their lives. Take a look around, the beating of the heart of humanity is fast and worried, take a breath, a time out, and join us for a ride on the Bare Back of a loving, powerful and realigning HORSE and opportunity we offer with our Equine Education Program. Thehawc.com has the sign up for the chance at learning WHY HORSES.

Ladies! The horse programs for MOTHERS of young children is SO empowering.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


How do we define the BEST? Riley, our new ranch hand, said this job is the BEST I have ever had! he thinks that about working here at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson WI. Others may not think that. It is a big project, with hard work, lots of dirt, lots of equipment to keep up and critters everywhere. The tipi fell down, the truck was full of stuff, and the lawn needs to be baled from so much growth. Then he smiled and dove in head first. Not all things are for all people. It takes a moment to remember that. YOU ARE THE BEST! FIND YOUR BEST SELF and where/wear it proudly. Behaving as if the GOD IN ALL THINGS MATTERS, makes for the best! It is an understanding that the love this earth and hers, is more powerful than anything less. Leave that to others looking for less. LOOK UP, the sun and the moon are watching and the best is visible and under the LIGHT! It is ours to see/sea and be. Live light, laugh alot and love the chances you get, you will be up there with the sun and moon soon enough. FOR now we need your best.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Get your DREAMS on!

If you do not sleep you do not dream. Long forgotten the dreams of the children under the stress of not sleeping peacefully. Bed wetting, night terrors, walking while asleep, refusing to sleep in a dark room or alone then waking up tired and not ready to enjoy the day. NIGHTMARES ALL. When you hit the hay, drop to your knees, ground the energy of your kidneys running through to the baby toes, we we we all the way home, as we all know from the nursery rhyme. It is so simple. The energy and it's wiring are here/hear for you to understand and control and direct. Learn your meridians, they in children especially need good directions. Not giving away the power of the adrenal glands are key. The first teeth in the human are directly wired to the kidneys and adrenal glands. Grounding this meridian will help regulate fears. It it the controls of excitment center, security base, sugar regulation, sexuality and the HEART. Broken hearts can be mended, burned out kidneys, exit stage left by way of dialysis. LET the dreams begin. A zyto scan and a consult will give you the next step. SEE YOU THERE, thehawc.com has my schedule and the sign up app. Let's sleep with dreams of magic, our days need our nights/knights. That shining armour and that hero of the MOON!

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Heritage. In the identification of the heritage in our DNA, it shows up. Hair, skin, eyes and even movement are history or herstory. Savants remember. They play their music as masters. They ride their horses like the wind. They live and love what brings comfort and supports the memories. If your heritage is not known to you, it disturbs your piece/peace. Orphans adopted out sometimes are told nothing about where and who they came from. It disturbs the flow of the DNA, especially if denied or disrespected. It causes DIS-EASE. My Grandson Banks shows his Father's HAIR-itage as a whirling dervish of curls. Magnificent! My daughter Jessie Ruof's hair is long and straight and blond. NOT BANKS HAIR. He is so lucky to have his dad, Martin Ruof, as his knowledge of his history will be available to BANKS whenever he wants to know. Hair tells that story for them. DNA open and flowing. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, MARTIN RUOF, you are a wonderful dad!

Celebrating the Solstice

WHO does that? Lutherans didn't. I grew up that way. I never knew it was an event until much later. The Druid culture always celebrates the beginning of summer. Cast out and away from certain sects, they held their events in secret for a long time. Yesterday I learned about the Muslim Holiday today. They feed the poor, and sheep are sacrified to do that. WHO KNEW? I am so proud of the diversity of our world and learning something new every day. The Creator offered THE Four Directions, four colors to represent heritage, the Medicine Wheel and it represents the four chambers of the heart. Balance them, learn about them. Not ONE is meant to RULE. All must work together to get the heart and soul humming! That is what we are doing at our Solstice Celebration this Friday, June 21 from 4 to 12 at Hawk's Ridge Ranch. HUMMING together as the nations gather. Tall, short, dark, light, young and old, in a heart felt bonfire of love and light and stories and music. Rain or shine. POTLUCK and the farm are a great way to begin the season of growth! See you at the party. thehawc.com has the directions.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


I got another one and yesterday we put it up for the summer. It is a mystical place, the home AND the vacation home of the Native American. Put it up, take it down, transport it according to weather and do it again. The women were responsible for THIS. As I U-tubed it's construction and coached the helpers, I LAUGHED OUT LOUD. The GIANT RESPONSIBILITY of the HOME and who is there to care for it and it's occupants, family and visitors and even enemies in discourse. Food, shelter and the love of life it requires every day is colossal. WOMEN were honored for their ability in this tradition as it was necessary they were suited for it's duty. Take moment today and honor the women who fed you, tucked you in, laughed at your antics and gave you the LOOK when something wasn't right. They are the TIPI, a mystical reality we have forgotten. There is no life without the MOTHER, the TIPI, The gift that keeps on giving!!!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

WHO? is with your child?

They said we will watch them for YOU. Go away. Leave it to us. You need to trust us. wE WILL DEVELOP THEM. wE WILL FEED THEM.Then they said your kid is disagreeable. They need meds. I have heard that story over and over. Day care, school, programs that keep the kids away from their family. Not even inviting the family to be there and see. Then homeschooling become a thing. Those kids flourished in this time frame, like they did before wORLD wAR 2. A gift, the most precious gift you will ever see, A CHILD. Never let anyone you do not know personally access their reality. They are too vulnerable to use their words, and the lossses that come from the care of the quietly uncaring yet willing, are nearly insurmountable. LOVE is answer and an absolute necessity. PERIOD. WHo is with your child, if not you?

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Let's talk about FREEDOM

With out hindrance or restraint. If you feel hindrance the weight is heavy, sometimes too heavy. Restraints are choking, resisting makes them tighter. What you resist persists. Learning to speak the blessing of being in all that you are and do is the best way to be free. See free. Dream free. I love horses as they gave me freedom to roam the land as a child, it would have taken too long to walk in those open spaces, and bikes needed roads. If I could get a gate open I could move to the next field. If I could coax my horse through the under the road tunnel, I could access a whole other realty/reality. What a gift that was. Over the abandoned railroad bridge I would go to town on my pony. To the beach and into the St. Croix River we would wade and then swim together. The freedom I experienced as a child kept me in the adventure. Decide what freedom looks like to you! Let's keep the dream alive.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

VENOM do the homework

I love the fact that so many still learn something new every single day. My partner, before he died, said he was learning to say I LOVE YOU in 28 different languages. He almost got the job done! What will you learn and apply today? The venom that causes so many ISSUES WITH MAMMALS AND BIRDS, needs to be learned before you choose it in a medication. It is too hard on my body there fore I would never choose it!! The over reaction to stings and bites is NOT natural, it is perpetrated by the venom already injected into the humanchild. Do the HOMEWORK. Learn to test the energy of all that you embrace. Take nothing at face value, test it. Do not be bullied! Is your ability to see, feel, taste, and know... clean and clear? Or is it vague and easily manipulated? Get a pendulum, use your kinesiology, and never hesitate to get a second and even third opinion. If the hair goes up on the back of your neck, turn and run away!!! If the hair on your arms and legs tingles, STAY for the inspiration. Life is your gift and choice and homework is how you grow and learn to be whole and happy here.

Monday, June 10, 2024

easily distracted

The children who are easily distracted are singled out as trouble. Let's identify, let's label, then medicate, then ultimately incarcerate that energy. I got offered a job to support that end game as the cost of incarceration of those kids has skyrocketed and all of a sudden, no one can afford the outcome. The jails are overflowing. I was surprised by the offer as the details were laid out to me. Could I help? YOU CAN. Those remarkable kids, easily distracted, are here for the future of earth. They will follow only to a certain point at a certain age. They are incredibly focused, that is their distraction. Boring teachers, preachers, doctors, and parents force them into their distractions. Remember what distracted you. I would look out the window every morning, and KNOW FOR SURE, I needed to get outside and on an adventure. My horse, Jenny was there to fly!! My bike, my imagination, ultimately my wings. Those distractions were the beach and the wild nature of the unexplored. Ski, swim, ride and SING! Learn my piano and flute and guitar and sing for the people. HELP those kids with those distractions. It is not a competition it is a privilege. Show them what you love to do. Golf, tennis, fish?? Make stained glass, or raise animals? Invite them to share your distraction!! It will keep them out of the jails of neglect and boredom. That will change everything.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The next step

Living in the moment is how we balance past/passed and future. Every story deserves the beginning, the present moment and ending. That's the way we build our library. As we re-view let's all remember the books there/theirthey're are ours to savor and share. No regrets, no guts, no glory. Just your story. That next step is waiting for a world of diversity, community and the gift you have of still being here! Earth and her children, working on the NEW AGE, what a story that is. Thank you Source for another day, step up and step out, and step lively, the gift is YOU. We are glad you are here.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


It is intentional. It is never an accident or a mistake. Supporting the universal adoration of the parent who is parenting is essential. With that support and unconditional love the next generation will flourish. My experience as a parent of young girls was supported unexpectedly one day when I got a letter in the mail from my Grandmother Susie. She took us in as little ones when our dad died in 1959. She never flinched. Cooking, gardening, sewing, knitting and crocheting and selling avon door to door were her world. THEN US, 3 little ones from Wisconsin now in North Dakota. Twenty five years later the letter came and the support was offered. Although my style was my own, she knew my heart, and told me I WAS A GOOD MOTHER. She told me to keep up the good work no matter what anyone else said. That is all I needed to know for sure. We could work with that. SO>>> to all the parents out there - you are doing a good job, keep up the good work and everything will turn out just fine. Namaste'

Friday, June 7, 2024

The lights of summer

Fireflies and full moons and stars you can count forever. When it is warm and days are long it is time to make some hay. The season of growth and development is here. Make a choice to learn something new, go somewhere else, meet fresh new faces. I went to camp every summer. It was the best! One camp was called Bible camp and the other Y camp or Girlscout camp. I needed both camps as I am a Double Sagittarius. Diversity is important to my growth and development. This is the season to open yourself to diversity. I teach Naturopathic health knowledge come and learn self care. I share the Four Directions of my Native Heritage. I offer Bareback Horsemanship training and therapy. The lights will be on! See you at our Solstice event of the 21st of June. We share food and fire. Starts at 4. Hawk's Ridge Ranch Hudson WIS. Dr. Su/Sioux will be in the light!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

New Moon June 6

Under the dark of the new moon we get to rest. Letting the pot sit for a moment after a long boil. People still wear/where masks in fear of one another, even though the infamous Dr. Fauci said he just made that up, telling that to the congressional hearings the other day. Learning that you are being manipulated is hard, it hurts feelings. Fooled? Many were fooled, injured too. A lot of people died. Managing your health and welfare is a tough job, leaarning what you need to know to manage children, well that truly is a whole other story. The love of family is gigantic, and to manipulate that takes a lot. There/their/they're are those who make it their life's work. Sad but true. SAY This...STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. Tell me what you want. TELL ME why I should listen to you. Then take the time it takes to find the choices, the people, the places, that make your heart sing. IF IT DOES NOT, walk away. Period. Nuff'SAID! You have free will, use it. Your children deserve the best you have to offer.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Who were the Indigo children?

WW II brought the nuclear reality back to earth. Someone had to talk about it. Indigo kids incarnated. They questioned everything and everyone about the choices pending. The NEW EARTH was awakening, the new age of peace and freedom was just around the corner. what THE hec!! Who was in charge are here!!?? They were not supporting the human growth and development project. They were raping, pillaging and poisoning this wonderful world. They were harvesting souls, wrecking it for the children of the future. I am an INDIGO. Got me where I am today. Do you question everyone and everything? Come on over!! Solstice party - June 21 Hawk's Ridge Ranch Hudson WI. Join us for a celebration of the summer of choices, so much to share!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ready or NOT/KNOT?

As a child we got asked that all the time, ARE YOU READY? Go to the bathroom before we leave!! Do you have your things?? Get in the car. Human nature was born ready. It drops from the womb ready. It is resilient and ready. YOU are making the new age accessible by being ready. Just a few years back you did not have access to the knowledge you do now. You had encyclopedias if you were lucky. You had mentors and elders to help if you were lucky. You had stability if you were lucky. Ready or not/knot the time is now. The LUCK is here! MAKE the ready available and learn to choose the light, the laughter, the love. YOU WERE BORN READY! And you know it!!

Monday, June 3, 2024

re- flection/flexion

You are offered a chance for re-doing in allowing time to reflect. Look into your own eyes/i's in the mirror, or the eyes of a child you love, or the eyes of an animal you know, or even your dreams. Be open to the truth, be patient and ask for the next step. We are rivers, our flow and the journey is the fun and the challenge. Look back at the rapids, the waterfalls, the placid runs and the droughts. Wear/where would you rerun if you could? Would you be more flexible, or would you close your eyes and your heart and coast? The adventure continues, will it get better and better? In my dreams last night I remembered not being able to sleep. It happened when I was 10 and just got my first mercury amalgam filling in my tooth. An entire year of insomnia and insanity and rage. In my 30th year it happened again, with the lead poisoning I got making stained glass windows unprotected and unaware. After a year of sleeping pills disease came. In reflection, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It gave me the chance to become the woman I am today, mother, grandmother, sister, friend and naturopathic physican. THANK GOD dreams do come true! How about you? TIME TO REFLECT?

Sunday, June 2, 2024

See/sea = ENERGY

The energy of each individual has great value. Learning to direct and manage that gift is not the order of days these days. Get in line, go with the flow, uniforms for all, has been the management system. It ostracizes the unique or one of a kind energy as misunderstanding becomes the level they offer the special. ALL that matters now is that we honor all energy as pure light potential. When we see it or feel it we are given a chance to honor it for what it is. PURE POTENTIAL. See the star-light, the soul in the eyes/i's of the being BEING a vessel of energy. A client of mine with AUTISM, super brilliant and super healthy now, said to me, when you teach me I feel it in my heart. I learn with my heart and teach to the heart of the matters in all I do on behalf of AUTISM. He is a world traveler and speaker to the energy of the austism he manages in his life. He is a musician and writer too. I was impressed by the articulation of his truth and the accuracy of my work to him. TODAY see the star light, the energy, the spark in those around you. Ask...in pictures I can see, with sounds I can hear, and in words that I can understand, WHAT IS THIS?? Make it abundantly clear to me! AND how do I manage myself in this field of energy? The gift will be yours just for the asking! A seer, a dreamer, a vsionary, hopeful and helpful too will be the result in this sea/see of energy here now.