Saturday, April 2, 2016

The energy of spring - meet your body here today

Aries, it's is here. Fiery and light and filled with potential, just like all of us when we feel well. I know a lot of people do not. They are tired, or left out, or just sad and uninspired. They feel like the winter is still here. I know that if you allow that as a part of your day, you will get sick. Your body will break down. I teach to treat your body like your dog. Your best friend, your companion in life today. It is the way we treat our dog, that our dog treats us. I love my dog, and also my dogs. They respond to me with unbridled enthusiasm. Ask anyone who has met me or my dogs. I feed them the best food ever. I play ball with them every single day. I cuddle them and I praise them. I laugh with them and at them. I tell them they are good, even when they are super busy and crazy. They are me. My body gets the same treatment. I say to my body, good morning, welcome to another fun day. What shall we do together while I am here with you? Do you need something special, or shall we proceed as usual. My body likes excitement, so I will take her to fun places with fun people. I work her hard and she responds with strength and flexibility. I tell her she is worthy and she smiles at me. Try this exercise. See your body as your companion. You are not it, you are with IT on a journey together. Treat your companion with respect, ask questions and sit in quiet connection and listen to what she says. I know you will like her very much if you just give her her voice. Have a super ARIES spring. The sun is back and I for one am ready!

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