Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Breath is life, words form yours and our future world too

I see auras. I know how key words dictate the field that surrounds your body. Like smoke or vapor, colored and shifting, those words and that breath create your reality. It could be mine too if I embraced your words or believed you or even allowed you to influence me. I see the grey of death, the smiling faces of new life in a pregnant woman. I see potential and direction and I also see defeat and even worse a willingness to hurt another. Lies are easy to spot as are losses and abuse. I know that what I say I attract, and becoming conscious of the power of my words is a lifetime's endeavor to understand and control them for my highest good. I try hard to be true to Su and that is the only truth I can own and offer. In meditation each day I decide what I will say to who and when. Some days I say little, most days I say a lot. I try to be encouraging, funny, honest and direct. That is my authentic self as a Sagittarius. I know that words are everywhere. Please use them with great care, and listen only to the ones that build you up and make you smile. Shut off and out the rest, and see if your reality does not improve a lot! This applies to kids first! Then to everyone else, the children here/hear your words and believe that reality is soon to be theirs. Please only say what you want them to hear and have! It is our future you are speaking!

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