Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Dove and Tula and their angel energy! Takes one to know one.

Today as I walked to the barn to bring the horses in from their pasture, I had a visitor follow me down. The Purple Rain appeared and followed me to the pen, and when the horses were in, they spun around instantly and lined up. Their ears were pricked forward showing me that there was company behind me. They were eager that I see what they were seeing. I turned to see Prince. That purple energy had a message, and a gift. He said, he had delivered his and it was wonderful. Then he said that I should stay awhile and continue to deliver mine. He said our soul group brought a lot to this world, and those out of body now would remain in constant contact with those of us still in body. He said ask us and we will help! I have seen a lot of beautiful things in this lifetime, and losing brothers and sisters from other mothers normally is ok with me. This time it was harder than usual as the time to celebrate draws near, and they are not in body now. However as my horses were quick to show, angels are everywhere, I just need to turn around to see them!!! I know it does, take one to know one, and my horses show me that every single day. Have a magical day I sure am.

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