Friday, April 8, 2016

Square peg? Tiny round hole.

I know everyone feels like that sometimes. It can feel fat, alone, misunderstood, sick, sad or just lost. I see it in my practice again and again. In the journey to WHOLE, there is that HOLE. My Hawk's view gives me a peek at those holes and those scrambling to find their right one. We see other's fitting, and we follow. After battering those corners of your square pegged self, and still not fitting. WE GIVE UP. That's when we can let go and let it flow. I do not care what you do, I care why and how you do what you do. It is the process here that produces the outcome, the final fit. In that process daily take a minute to love your design. Tell those rough edges, sharp corners and all the other crazy parts of you. THANKS! I am so glad we are partnering again today on this wild adventure. We sure are an extraordinary design, aren't we?? I give you permission to evolve, morph, rest or run, as long as we remain a team, loving our life here. I know you will find the way, you always do. You fit with me and that is all that counts, you and me fitting perfectly together in this lifetime. Tiny round hole, you will have your fit soon enough, I am looking for something different, bigger and easily matched to in my own unique form. Onward and upward!

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