Love, light and laughter, with health, happiness and horses! Total personal and planetary alignment with purpose, and community, partnering for the highest good of all. Following an ascension path and sharing my adventures with those interested.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
The Dove and Tula and their angel energy! Takes one to know one.
Today as I walked to the barn to bring the horses in from their pasture, I had a visitor follow me down. The Purple Rain appeared and followed me to the pen, and when the horses were in, they spun around instantly and lined up. Their ears were pricked forward showing me that there was company behind me. They were eager that I see what they were seeing. I turned to see Prince. That purple energy had a message, and a gift. He said, he had delivered his and it was wonderful. Then he said that I should stay awhile and continue to deliver mine. He said our soul group brought a lot to this world, and those out of body now would remain in constant contact with those of us still in body. He said ask us and we will help! I have seen a lot of beautiful things in this lifetime, and losing brothers and sisters from other mothers normally is ok with me. This time it was harder than usual as the time to celebrate draws near, and they are not in body now. However as my horses were quick to show, angels are everywhere, I just need to turn around to see them!!! I know it does, take one to know one, and my horses show me that every single day. Have a magical day I sure am.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Glory glory hallelujah
There are words that carry enchantments. Abbracadabra is one, Kadoish is another, Adonai is big mojo and Agape carries another swift delivery of light. Some of the greeks, the romans, the jews, the sufi, the buddists, the muslims, the native people, and even the newbees, the Christians are getting tuned in to this knowledge. Thousands of years of data gathered, some shared, most hoarded and used for private concerns instead of community upgrades. We know now that time in darkness is over. The coming of the light and it's healing loving support of humanity and mother earth is upon us all now. Many are leaving, as their time here is over. Many new will join in for the reconstruction. Communion has begun, get your seat at the table with your brothers and sisters, local, global and galactic. There are those who have entertained angels unaware in the past, now all will see them in their glory glory hallelujah light and state of being, and know who they are. Time to celebrate! Join us for the new age.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Strong spirits transcend rules
So it is time to right/write the wrongs, and get on with the business of balance now. My mantra as written and spoken over and over again, is, number one, the only rule is that there are no rules! Then number two. What about number one don't you understand? We have two choices on this planet, clear and simple, yes or no, light or dark, good or bad, in or out. All the same in different ways, and the overlighting choice of Divine Will or Free Will. In choosing that magnificent Divine Will and Design, I use my freewill to it's highest capacity and good, for me and all who come in contact with me too. I shine light as taught to me by my Creator. Doctor, Lawyer or Indian Chief, I follow that choice every time. I have the right/write ability and gift of words, and use them well. I offer hope as a doctor, I offer clarity as a wordsmith. I give you lots of angels/angles to give different views of the same thing. I stand on the ground with you and write/right that position, I get up on my horse and share that view too, adding pure power to the visions, and then as a remote viewer, I fly high in the sky as the HAWC/HAWK and offer what I see too. Let's all share what we have and offer, let's transcend the old ways and limited rules of engagement. It is time. See you in the bookstore.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
I was THAT kid
The one who felt chained to her desk at school. Every school, every desk, even when I got to college, and even when I went to work at the phone company. I needed to move. I could still learn, recite massive memorization as I did in Peter Pan. Do math, almost always in my head, accurately. Play music, paint pictures and read, read, read. I did it. Yet I was frustrated. Then there was Nature, the Mother who knew me and knew exactly what I needed. She gave me animals, and land, and water and sky. Accessing those things kept me sane and alive and willing to play and participate again on another day. Too much sitting made me crazy, and I would get sick and cross. A weekend of skiing or the river and just mowing the big lawn we had in the warm sunshine, gave me connection. This is the time to reconnect to our Mother Earth, she needs us as much as we need her now. We have parks, local and national and global, go there, a lot. Use what little resources we have left. It will upgrade our whole situation, and those chains, well, I never felt them when I was outside. Being free is good enough for me.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Bed, breakfast and broncos - Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson WI
I gave a bareback lesson to a very good rider last night and she did well. We worked on balance. Lots of us need to work on balance. Old people because they are tippy, addicts because they are super tippy and kids too, need to develop their balance in life. And then there are just plain ordinary folks looking for a better way of living on this planet. I see imbalance change relationships, health, sleep, weight and that is just the tip or tippyness of the iceberg. Using my horses to imprint a balanced upgrade is incredible. Their balance is awesome, and working in partnership with a human seeking to add in the same ability, well life changing. Check our Hawk's Ridge Ranch facebook page for the details of this opportunity!! We are already booking up and the summer is just getting started!
Monday, April 25, 2016
Holy Medicine Snake Woman
That was my Grandmother's name. In 1818 she was born a Blood tribe Blackfeet whose father was Chief. She married a white fur trader named Alex and was bought with a dowry of 9 horses. She was his equal, his partner and his friend and translator for her people. They were Frontier Diplomats in a time when there was no diplomacy on the frontier, only conflict brought forth by fear of something unknown. They established the Buffalo Robe trade out of Fort Benton Montana for the American Fur Company and raised a family there too. After twenty years of success, they retired to Peoria Illinois and tried the white man's way of life. It did not work for them as a couple and after a decade of effort she simply went home to Montana. She is in my DNA. She speaks to me of that life and the way that the Holy Medicine works. Nature sustained her, horses were her best friends and raising a family the best part of that lifetime. In a world where she was free to ride and play outside she was happy and healthy. In a world different than that, she was sad. I have learned much from her and know that to be true to who I am, in my body and in my way of life I need to honor my heritage, and learn how important it is to my health and happiness. Everyone has a story, all valuable. Some challenges teach us what not to do and other ones teach HOW to live well. Knowing who you are, is helpful in understanding how you are. This summer, mother's or father's day, ask them to share YOUR history or herstory, with you. They know more than you think. It will validate and enlighten. Hurry before they depart, elevators are going up all the time now. Holy Medicine is family! And you only get one per time here.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
The Princes of our lives and the PURPLE RAIN
I grew up with Prince. He is my soul group, my age, my beautiful brother. His look, his smile and eyes, his music and his willingness to share all and more, a part of the gift he brought into life. I saw that purple rain as a kid, then I just kept seeing it. Over and over that violet fire would clear the confusion of less, lack or loss, of separation. The knowing that good was good enough and perfect is not a part of this world. That sharing is cooler than hoarding and that being tall or short, or white or yellow, was not going to stop you in any way. That love of who and how and what and when (NOW) is ALL you get, so you better get to it. We are improving and as we stand in the purple rain, it transforms all our chakras, our mind rinses out and our outlook, well.......who made it prettier than Prince?! Enjoy the RAIN! I AM!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Breath is life, words form yours and our future world too
I see auras. I know how key words dictate the field that surrounds your body. Like smoke or vapor, colored and shifting, those words and that breath create your reality. It could be mine too if I embraced your words or believed you or even allowed you to influence me. I see the grey of death, the smiling faces of new life in a pregnant woman. I see potential and direction and I also see defeat and even worse a willingness to hurt another. Lies are easy to spot as are losses and abuse. I know that what I say I attract, and becoming conscious of the power of my words is a lifetime's endeavor to understand and control them for my highest good. I try hard to be true to Su and that is the only truth I can own and offer. In meditation each day I decide what I will say to who and when. Some days I say little, most days I say a lot. I try to be encouraging, funny, honest and direct. That is my authentic self as a Sagittarius. I know that words are everywhere. Please use them with great care, and listen only to the ones that build you up and make you smile. Shut off and out the rest, and see if your reality does not improve a lot! This applies to kids first! Then to everyone else, the children here/hear your words and believe that reality is soon to be theirs. Please only say what you want them to hear and have! It is our future you are speaking!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Your W E L L
Everyone has their "well". An idea of what it looks and feels like to be well. It is one of those double words I use. There are those water wells in the ground, I have two of those too. They support me in my life, my health, my cleanliness and my longevity. Clean water is one of the most important aspects of health, it really is the WELL of our life here. The water within me needs to be my Well TOO. It has to be enough. It has to be free of impurities. It has to carry what I need, from place to place, like a river. It has to move freely with the cycles of nature, the sun and moon. Dr. Emoto taught us that it carries our emotions in crystalline form. Happy people have pretty water, unhappy people bear distortions in their water and ultimately in their body. It is so simple. So today as you choose WELL, take a glass of water and hold it in your hand and speak all you desire into it. Beauty, success, energy, love, healing to name a few good choices. It will set itself up in the water, and then DRINK IT, you will be so WELL! The well is YOU, be WELL!
Monday, April 18, 2016
Forgive those who trespass against us ??? not any more
I said that in my prayers as a human taught to speak that truth as a child. I once thought those who were trespassing were to be forgiven. I do not think that now. I have watched and spoken to others who have lost so much to the trespassing going on, and we are now changing that matrix. Accountable for my world, my things, my family, and my animals. I AM. No one else pays for us or even really helps much. I do my own world. And yet there are those who simply help themselves to that which is not nor ever was theirs. Entitled? or even worse. I am putting up a gate to go with my new cameras, I have alerted my guardians, human and non-human they have my permission to take action. I know this sounds severe, but is has gotten to that point where if I do not defend me and what I am accountable for, no one else will either. Take account of what you have, love, and take care of, no trespassing now. Just those invited, adored and trusted welcome here.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Our ever expanding waist/waste
I write, and those double words appear again and again in my journals. So today as I consider the waist/waste I will share what I know from experience. When there is not proper productive energetic use of something, anything really. It will pile up junk, garbage, and leave waste. When we expand the waist/waste factor by not learning and doing what needs to be done to keep the flow of energy moving, we get buried. So many come to the clinic because the are buried in fat, they feel like garbage and their waist/waste is a real burden and ultimately a health issue too. Food being served now has unusable waste, because it is loaded with chemical additives. Where would that go if you had no way to burn it up since your body is biological, not chemical in nature. TO waist/waste. It is a HUGE dilemma. On Earth we do the same thing, have piles of waste because something is no longer usable and cannot dispose of itself when it is done it's job. Is our world a waste container, are we?? When we learn that living matter has a life cycle and will disappear when finished doing that job, we will look better and have much less waist/waste. Eat whole single ingredient non-gmo organic food and your waist/waste will reduce dramatically!! That is the simple truth, and an Earth day message for us all. Bio-degradable only!! Check your garbage company and make sure they dispose of your waste correctly, demand facts from everyone. This is the only way we are going to restore our world now. And each person needs to make sure they are not wasting a thing now!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Sioux's Landing
As a Sagittarius I tend to stay far out and away and above the world here. The outer ring of Jupiter is a safe space for me and I do well out there. Sometimes my friends say, coming in town any time soon??? I say maybe, if there is a good enough reason, or cup of coffee or glass of wine I will. Other than that, I keep out of it. I love the fact that I am being offered a landing site now. I hear/here in my dreams and meditations this landing thing over and over. Come and we will show things on this planet that you will enjoy. set into motion a place for the boat to dock, the car to pull into, the ships to land. I am. This is the invitation to a reconnection. A reunion. A time of communion. I have waited a very long time to hear/here those invitations and this is going to be a wonderful time. Find your landing pad, friends, family, nature,a group, whatever you connect to. Feel it grab a hold of your heart, your energy, your vision of tomorrow and the purpose it all is being offered. When we settle in for the new age, we are going to be and see something never before here/hear. It is now.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Pain, walk away, nothing less will do
A lot of business is generated in response to pain. It is the never ending cycle that many live in and with every single day. It is not something that can not be fixed, it is an alarm, and it is working perfectly. You do not want it to stop until you have fixed the problem. It is a such an awesome system, it is the end result of ignoring or even trying to cover up or pretend IT is not happening. Pain is real. Foolishness is not an answer, neither is childishness, nor the addictions we use to smother it. You and story deserve full power now. It takes a person who knows that pain is the signal, flashing and red!!! It is the last stop before you get hit by a train. I review once, my clients reasons for coming to the Wellcare center. There is almost always pain. Physical, emotional, spiritual all the same only different. The look of it is PAINFUL, hard to view, hard to hear, hard to live with I am sure. The noise of the crying and hollering that comes from someone in pain, causes pain. It is a job very few want to do or do easily. I must erase it everyday I walk out of my office. You too must erase your need to feel this now. If you suffer, decide why you deserve this and let it go. Switch to loving something. Go outside and love the land, the water, the kids or whatever you can see as needing you in a good way. In being needed and loving this, there is nothing but health and happiness, pain has no place here and truth is, it never appears unless it is needed. DECIDE NOW, how will it be with you. I will help if you need me, I know how to erase it and I will show how I do it.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Square peg? Tiny round hole.
I know everyone feels like that sometimes. It can feel fat, alone, misunderstood, sick, sad or just lost. I see it in my practice again and again. In the journey to WHOLE, there is that HOLE. My Hawk's view gives me a peek at those holes and those scrambling to find their right one. We see other's fitting, and we follow. After battering those corners of your square pegged self, and still not fitting. WE GIVE UP. That's when we can let go and let it flow. I do not care what you do, I care why and how you do what you do. It is the process here that produces the outcome, the final fit. In that process daily take a minute to love your design. Tell those rough edges, sharp corners and all the other crazy parts of you. THANKS! I am so glad we are partnering again today on this wild adventure. We sure are an extraordinary design, aren't we?? I give you permission to evolve, morph, rest or run, as long as we remain a team, loving our life here. I know you will find the way, you always do. You fit with me and that is all that counts, you and me fitting perfectly together in this lifetime. Tiny round hole, you will have your fit soon enough, I am looking for something different, bigger and easily matched to in my own unique form. Onward and upward!
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Student to teacher to coach
Have you been a student long enough now? You must have learned something along the way to share with and teach others. I did. As a little girl I learned in Kindergarten that being in a group with a loving teacher was amazing. Then that ended. I really had only one more real teacher in those 12 years that was wonderful, my German teacher. Then came grown up life and I went to college. The only good teacher I could find there was the Swim Team Coach and I got certified as an instructor. Other than baking for the college in the cafeteria which I loved, that was the whole of the good part. Then came life and learning and degrees of difficulty and resulting merits. Then I too, began to share my wealth. It is a wealth of experience and training in the whole health way of living. It has been an awesome job. Today, however, I switch hats. I now am assembling a team. A coaching job has just opened up and I took it. I will be the principal in the team of awesome players in the world of whole health life. Hold on for details, this is going to be fun!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Are you ready to bust a move now?
I am that Hawk, way up high in the sky watching as the world turns. Not in it or of it, just here. I see those trapped in the maze of our world and they are stuck, stuck, stuck. Around and around they go, banging up against the same old wall again and again. Then they visit us the HAWC and we show a different way through using that new prospective. Lots of people totally bust a move. It cracks me up and makes me proud of how those who desire freedom and health will not give up until they find a way. I was that exact person in the 80's and it saved my life! I love humanity. They are worth every minute of time spent here. I love their spirited ways, and their fortitude. I let my work speak for itself, that view from the thermals way up above is something amazing. Being asked to share what I see is my greatest pleasure. I see, many now ready, to bust a move!! Git er done!!! You will love the result. I sure did.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
As we look at the structure of who and how we are, we must first consider our foundation. Mine is old, and very sturdy. It has held through the tests of time and kept me upright and secure. I know other's footings are less sturdy sometimes. I spoke to someone, who in describing their foundation to me, shared that they were given the liberty to go with the winds. No mom or pop to go home to, not for a very long time. It is so great that each one of us gets what we need. Look at your foundation, and the structure you have built on it. Is it what you love? If you wish to change something, say so, then do what you say. Your BA is your spirit, the hawk. Your KA is your human structure. Together in harmony, you can raise yourself up. Look at both, the fire of heart and the feather of your breath. Winds of change are here, and being able to soar with the hawks is how I am rolling after lifetimes of foundations built toward the light. Thank you Creator for giving me something to look up to! Namaste'
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Cleaning up the mess now - I have Thomas to help, call someone
What a mess it is here in our world. I see energy and it is trying to arrange things in a healthy way, yet haywire very messy energy blocks it's natural flow. That is cancer, AKA erratic cell growth and that blocks and suffocates it host. This crazy mess promotes cancer and it needs to be cleared up now. It is YOUR choice, and mine too. To find the clearing, one must first see the WHOLE/HOLE. A portal or bridge or light that connects you to the Universe and allows your return home, also in silence and meditation allows the extra love and light you can use here now. Then the communion with others who like you want to clean up this mess too. There are Christed beings, who show up here from time to time with that exact message. They remind us, it is all good, you were once all good, and seeing clearly the way through, will get you all good again. WE are in quite a mess now, and WE made it, so SU and YOU, with help from others, should clean it up. If you are a mess, or live in a mess, or have messy friends or leave a mess when you go. STOP NOW. Start fresh with pitching in and setting things in order. Give away what you are not using right now, stop waiting and start doing. It is up to us, no complaints, just clean it up around here. I have Thomas right now helping me order up my world, sixteen years on this ranch and some messes need attention. I love that, and how it feels!! You will too. Thanks Thomas, you are a gift to me!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
The energy of spring - meet your body here today
Aries, it's is here. Fiery and light and filled with potential, just like all of us when we feel well. I know a lot of people do not. They are tired, or left out, or just sad and uninspired. They feel like the winter is still here. I know that if you allow that as a part of your day, you will get sick. Your body will break down. I teach to treat your body like your dog. Your best friend, your companion in life today. It is the way we treat our dog, that our dog treats us. I love my dog, and also my dogs. They respond to me with unbridled enthusiasm. Ask anyone who has met me or my dogs. I feed them the best food ever. I play ball with them every single day. I cuddle them and I praise them. I laugh with them and at them. I tell them they are good, even when they are super busy and crazy. They are me. My body gets the same treatment. I say to my body, good morning, welcome to another fun day. What shall we do together while I am here with you? Do you need something special, or shall we proceed as usual. My body likes excitement, so I will take her to fun places with fun people. I work her hard and she responds with strength and flexibility. I tell her she is worthy and she smiles at me. Try this exercise. See your body as your companion. You are not it, you are with IT on a journey together. Treat your companion with respect, ask questions and sit in quiet connection and listen to what she says. I know you will like her very much if you just give her her voice. Have a super ARIES spring. The sun is back and I for one am ready!
Friday, April 1, 2016
Summer fun with those amazing horses
I have been sharing horses with clients and family and friends since 1965. My horse's name was Jennie and she was an incredible friend. Our family had just moved AGAIN. New school, new kids, new everything. And that was OK. I liked that new adventure thing my family was doing. My daddy died when I was two and since then every day was a lot of unexpected stuff. This new pony was unexpected. She was a solution to daycare and I needed someone to keep an eye on me by and I needed someone I could keep me eye on too. We did that. I shared her with anyone who was even faintly interested. I rode her anywhere I could ride my bike, and even more places since her four wheel drive capacity was ready for all terrain adventures all the time. The river, the beach, the cow pastures, anything that looked like fun, we did. She let me sing to her, and I would strap my guitar on my back or stick my flute in my back pack and she would listen quietly once we settled on a location. I knew that she saved my sanity. Her willing spirit and loving way lifted me up. I could see and be big! My secrets were hers to keep and she did. I now offer that here at my ranch. I sent a newsletter today with an invitation to come and be with my horses! It is a grand experience, life changing every single time. Please join us this summer, for a session, a day or even a weekend. Summer fun lasts when you share it with a HORSE! I should know, I never stopped.
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