Thursday, December 2, 2010

self respect, boundaries and partners?! aha!!

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. How many of us feel stuck or trapped in a partnership that over steps it's boundaries over and over again?

Consider these things.
1.Is the relationship energizing or depleting?
2.Do you feel trapped or free?
3.Do you feel guilty about having separate interests or friends?
4.Do you hide certain activities?
5. Are you afraid of your partner?
6. Do you offer equal contribution?

In my life I have looked at the issues over and over again, in business, in friendship and in love. So often I error in setting boundaries of respect for me and who I am, in an effort to have the partnership. In the end, the lack of boundaries and the balance of standing on my own two feet, tips it and me over and I have to start all over again.

Does that ever happen to you? Just because someone says it is so doesn't make it so. It has to be shown in the real world with real choices and real behaviors. NO EXCUSES.

We are all rare and unique beings, each moving through our experiences in our own way, those ways are valid for us and should be respected, to each his or her own, love, true and real, respects that, it doesn't become angry or fearful in the face of the boundary or the reality, it says simply, I still love you no matter what and when we meet again on another sunny day, tomorrow or next year or next life, I will still love you.

I have watched others demonstrate love, the best I have seen is my own brother, who married and stayed that way to this day for love. Not money, not control, just quality time with another person that seems to go on and on. Congratulations Mike and Kitty.

I look forward to that same thing, here's to LOVE! Namaste' Dr. Su

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