Sunday, December 26, 2010

97.1 radio exposes lead poisoning, why not mercury poisoning which is 1000 times worse!?!?!

The program this morning at 7 am told of an effort to stop the lead poisoning of children in Minneapolis and how 10 years of this effort were celebrated last night. They said that the greatest risk for these kids was in the dust of old lead paint, and that the brain issues associated with this problem were a catastrophe for children. WOW!!

That being said, why is it that mercury poisoning isn't getting the same clean up effort. It is in vaccinations, it is called thimerasol. It is in dental fillings called amalgams, which vaporize non-stop during the life of the filling and destroy the tissue in the body. Breathing these fumes from your mouth gives direct brain contact and swallowing them gives them access to the rest of your body. They also expand with heat and break your teeth!! WOW.

This is an even greater danger, but with big business benefiting from your lack of knowledge, it could still be years before we can help the masses. Speak up, say no, do the research and let's start our own campaign to reduce this threat. It is a very real threat to many and many will suffer horribly because of this.

Please let's stop poisoning our kids, our world and our own bodies now. NO MORE MERCURY! When it is removed from your tooth is becomes hazardous waste, how is that OK? Ask your dentist!!! Say no more. thanks Dr. Su

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