Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mercury retrograde crazy times!!

Just hold on to your hat till the end of the month, this is a wild ride for those who are alive and awake in the end of 2010.

People, especially are over reacting and unpredictable. We thought 2009 brought a lot of drama, 2010 was more and bigger and wilder yet.

We have waited for now, talked about it, read the prophecies, made the movies, heard the predictions. Is this what you thought it would be?

Funny as the world turns inside out and upside down, it still is really about you and only YOU. You are the victim or the victor, the teacher or the student. YOU YOU YOU.

So focus now. Find a way to peace and light now. It is time to quit waiting, quit thinking someone is coming to save you or listen to your sad story. There are no sad stories, each lesson is a victory whether you see it or not, cup half full or half empty?

Two thousand years ago, an avatar came to Earth to simply say, forget the way we were doing this here, it's not really working is it? You folks seem to be stuck, so let's erase the karma and the drama and forgive and forget!!! Here's GRACE and MERCY, although not earnable by good works or with money, still available. Free actually to those who aspire to it's golden law of forgiveness. AND BOY IS THAT GREAT!

BUT, you need to forgive to attain it's magic. No more grudges, or wars, or opinions or self pity, just take responsibility for YOURSELF. AND IF YOU ARE PARENTS NOW, SHOW THE WAY OF LOVE AND LIGHT AND FORGIVENESS TO YOUR CHILDREN, THEY MIRROR YOU! They are YOUR responsibility, they become you!! DNA makes it so.

Repeaters, that's the law here. Or change course by embracing the mercy and grace of forgiveness. This is a challenge for all of us. See yourself for who you really are by looking at your immediate world, where is the beauty, the laughter, the health and the happiness? If you have it now BRAVO, if you are creating it now BRAVO, if you are reading this for the first time and want it now BRAVO! For the rest of you, GOOD LUCK.

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