Friday, December 17, 2010

Service to others and Christmas

This is MY blog, the experiences that are put here are mine and mine alone. This is not about anyone else's choices, there is no judgement here ever. This is about using every moment of my day in Service to the Creator and sharing my personal insights with the world all of the time in the light and in honesty.

Noone knows who my clients are, that is part of my ethics, I don't use that information ever. Situations like the one I described involve millions of people making choices and hurting others in the wake. If we don't open up discussion about that in the truth and spirit of using our lives to help others then what are we doing??? Pretending to be good people??? Using my gift freely is my choice, others make other choices, I honor that. If people do not want to use me and my blog to help other people then they shouldn't be a part of my work, my work is in the LIGHT all of the time, there are no secrets anymore and when everyone understands that everyone knows everything and that you all are truly naked and everyone is seeing you,, you will be better, happier, healthier and I will be looking for a new job!!

I pray for that day everyday!! Using our words to heal, not to fight especially in the presence of children, will be my greatest cause and I will discuss it in the light forever.

I have recently joined the board of "I'm getting" and I will not be bullied nor will I keep quiet about others being bullied. This is bullying, judgement is bullying!! Telling the truth about unique perspectives is living in love, thinking at any time or in any way yours is superior to mine is not of love or of GOD. Live and let live, support each others differences in love, that is the only solution now. That is the only way home for any of us now, no more secrets, or manipulations, just truth in love and support and even laughter at our peculiarities.

Here's to a great Christmas celebration in light and love and sharing, and here's to whatever way anyone chooses to celebrate or not the 25th day of December!!

NAMASTE',, Look it up and say it to others and mean it, Dr. Su

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