Thursday, December 16, 2010

Scared of the dark?

As we move toward the winter solstice, the darkest and shortest day of the year, I have noticed that we are hunkering down. Almost bending over and huddling up, as if something is going to fall upon us. You are right it is. WE WILL HAVE YET ANOTHER ECLIPSE THAT NIGHT. Eclipse, full moon, solstice, sounds like the plot in a witch movie. It could be. Those who worked with Earth energy, the Pagans and so forth knew when to use the forces of nature to their greatest advantage. To ride the wave and hit the crest for that huge push forward. YOUR TURN.

The creator has designed our world with certain advantages that were hidden or taken from the masses. You were told they were wrong or inappropriate or even sinful, when common sense should have said all along, if it's here by divine design and so am I, then we should be together, let no man tear us apart or tell us we are not worthy of these natural wonderful gifts of God. My mother was a minister and missionary, a real believer, she feared yoga, she feared astrology and she even hid the angel cards I gave her as a gift, unopened in her attic. Wow! That was a lot of energy put into the fear category. I occasionally would question her fears and then she would become frustrated and sometimes even angry. She was angry a lot when I was a child.

We have been fooled by the few who knew their opinions were powerful and that they, in the name of God or some other power, science or politics or education, could manipulate you and me.

I have always been sick of that. You do what you want, your way, but don't tell me how to live my life or believe what I want to believe. A little boy came here yesterday with a terrible earache in his left ear, I asked which females in his life were saying things he didn't want to hear? The mother said she and the aunt were arguing over the celebration of Christmas, one is a Jehovah's Witness,so there is no celebration there, the other not, and she, along with her sons, choose to celebrate. The conflict hurt him terribly! I said to him, which do you alone think is the better way for you? And with a very sad voice he said, I just don't know. I said listen to your mom, it is her contract you are on, it is her DNA and dad's too, that you chose before you were born. That's the truth. Do not interfere in another's lessons even though you disagree, The Creator has this all under control, have faith and trust that the bigger picture is good. Demonstrate love by honoring that which you do not or can not understand.

We must stop trying to use our choices to create other's choices. Lead by example, show a way that is attractive and you will have lots of like minded people freely join you, use your influence to say your way is better and you will have nothing but conflict, cunfusion and hurt. It's like trying to teach a first grader calculus, we are all just students here at many different grade levels, honor my place and my level of understanding and the choices I make, do not tell me yours is superior! It may not be for me, only for you.

So as we venture into the darkness, the cold, the separation from our sun,don't be afraid, be brave! Know that in the dawn will come a wave of light and warmth and new life here, and the understanding that you desire. CATCH THE WAVE OF Awakening!! Here comes 2011 the last year of the old old way, making it a very special time before the year 2012 of prophecy. This is so cool, rest, read and get ready! It's time now, happy holidays of all kinds!! I personally love to celebrate and always have and do. Namaste' Dr. Su

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