Saturday, January 27, 2024


It is the cure for so many ailments. Kids getting teeth need that fever to navigate the upgrade and promote a healthy new growth. They need the cuddle of the parent, the time out to rest and the support that what is occurring is completely expected and natural. I had all the childhood disease. They taught my body to grow and strengthen my immune system. My immune response is to this very day is very powerful and controls my health naturally. Once in awhile I need some acupuncture or chiropractic care to support it. Simple. The warmth of a sweat lodge purifies my intentions as my sauna does my body. There are many ways to wellness. Just a few need to be applied for the magic of nature to do her job and take care of the human. WARMTH IS KEY. Take your temperature, if it is too low, below 98.6 degrees your biological terrain will change, and your health and energy along with it. Pay attention, warm up, just the warmth of your soul, your smile, your body and your personality, can make a great improvment.

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